News & Events

Support kit for researchers for building collaborative ENLIGHT research proposals

The R&I SG has prepared a support kit for researchers to assist them in building their collaborative research proposals. This tool is aimed at being meaningful and useful for the researchers of the nine ENLIGHT universities by introducing them to ENLIGHT and enabling them to start and develop research collaborations within the ENLIGHT alliance.

Summer School Data Science and AI in Health (Groningen, 15-22 July 2023)

Rapid advancements in data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) call for a new generation of clinicians and (clinical) scientists, who are able to develop and introduce new prediction models and treatment strategies in healthcare. Therefore, the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) organizes the new Summer School ‘Data Science and AI in Health’.

The Summer School Data Science and AI in Health has received an ENLIGHT grant from the board of the University of Groningen for inviting dr. Elena Sügis, biomedical data scientist and AI educator of the Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu (Estonia) to participate in our summer school. In 2022 dr. Sügis was elected lecturer of the year at the University of Tartu. 

This Summer School is open for students from any discipline who have a specific interest in biomedical sciences, data science and AI.

Read more on Deadline fo registration is 16 April 2023.

Digital Workshop: Data Carpentry Ecology (24-28 April 2023)

Would you like to improve your data skills? Do you know how to analyse, visualize and manage data in order to help your research conduction?

THE Campus ENLIGHT Impact article

On March 15, Times Higher Education has published the article 'Defining impact: a shift in thinking, acting and being' on their section 'CAMPUS: Daily resources for faculty and staff', written by Igor Campillo, Glória Nunes and Iñigo Puertas of the ENLIGHT Impact Taskforce.

ENLIGHT Doctoral Network: Engaged Scientists/Citizens training at CU Bratislava

In light of ENLIGHT's mission statement at Comenius, we have prepared a short-term doctoral training programme designed to provide PhD students with a skillset necessary to empower scientists and learners to become more confident in becoming globally engaged citizens and embrace active roles both locally and globally to address the five challenges of the ENLIGHT alliance.

ENLIGHT Doctoral Network: Impactful Science Communication training at UGent (Ghent, 27-29 June)

In recent years, it has become clear that scientists must not only conduct high-quality research but also be able to effectively communicate their findings to a broad audience. This includes the scientific community, policy makers, the general public, and other stakeholders who may be impacted by their research.

Videos "The Four Seasons in (Climate) Change" – Documentary and Concert

Inspired by current and projected climate data and already visible consequences of climate change on flora and fauna, Antonio Vivaldi's work "The Four Seasons" was reinterpreted by composers of the Detmold University of Music in cooperation with the Göttingen Baroque Orchestra and ENLIGHT researchers. The new composition "The Four Seasons in (Climate) Change" premiered in 2022 in concert at the University of Göttingen.

Now the video documentary is published.

Summer schools 2023 at the University of Groningen

Is a Summer School on your bucket-list? Check the offer at the University of Groningen. As from 2023, staff and students affiliated to an ENLIGHT partner university, will enjoy the same advantages as the University of Groningen participants. This varies per Summer School, so it is worth taking a look at the current offer

The ENLIGHT competence framework is now available on the ENLIGHT homepage

Society and its needs are changing very rapidly today. In the coming decades, certain societal challenges will transform the labour market, education, and our everyday lives. In ENLIGHT, students work on real-world challenges of the 21st century that need our urgent attention. These involve the ENLIGHT flagship topics – equity, health, energy, digitalisation and climate change, as well as the transdisciplinary spaces between them. In addition, transversal competencies are needed to cope with the demands and challenges of the 21st century.

ENLIGHT Workshop#2 on Connecting Digital Research Infrastructures with European Infrastructures - Experiences and Lessons Learned - 15 March 2023

Date of Workshop: 15 March 2023
Time: 9-12 o’clock CET
Venue: online via Zoom, link is provided after registration
Registration via:
Registration open 24 February 2023 – 15 March 2023

The workshop will explain, in some depth, the steps, regulations, workload, challenges, needs and possibilities regarding the connection of digital research infrastructures with European infrastructures (such as disciplinary research infrastructures or the European Open Science Cloud) by looking at selected examples.

The very first ENLIGHT Global Citizenship Award goes to…

The Glassary Initiative by students from the University of Galway, Ireland and The Concordia Precious Plastic Project (CP3) by students from Concordia University, Canada!

In the first edition of the ENLIGHT Global Dialogue twelve student organisations from Belgium, Canada, China, Ireland, Mexico and Sweden presented their projects promoting sustainability on campus or local communities. The full event was split into three online sessions hosted by the ENLIGHT Student Network (ESN) and was an opportunity to share experiences on running sustainability projects as a student organisation. All presentations can be viewed on the ENLIGHT Global Dialogue website.

A panel of judges, consisting of students from the ESN and officers from ENLIGHT Universities Green Offices, had the very difficult task to select two awardees of the Global Citizenship Award. The award includes an invitation to join the ENLIGHT Teaching & Learning Conference hosted by University of Bordeaux in October 2023 to present their projects to a wider audience.

The conference sharing style utilising zoom was a great way to connect with campus communities across the world and learn how students and staff in Canada, Mexico or Sweden improve sustainability on their campuses. When volunteering as a student, it is very empowering to see other students across the world engage with their community and share the experiences of making a positive change. There is a feeling of solidarity as we take on big issues, said Malena Thren and Ruth Keeley, students at University of Galway in Ireland, about the online sessions. Malena and Ruth are two of the students running the Glassary project support by Dr. Lorraine Tansey at the University of Galway Green Office.

Sara Ordonselli and Amy Tran, from Concordia University in Canada, agreed saying that sharing experiences is a valuable opportunity for everyone to learn from each other. It inspires others to replicate similar projects elsewhere, increasing the overall impact of sustainability initiatives. In fact, our project is inspired by the Precious Plastic Project in Europe, and the resources that the community has shared online were instrumental in helping us to build our project. The Global Dialogue showcased a variety of different initiatives, which demonstrated how even dissimilar projects can benefit from learning from one another and help generate new ideas to tackle sustainability challenges. By collaborating and sharing knowledge, we can accelerate progress toward a more sustainable future.

The second edition of the ENLIGHT Global Dialogue is expected to take place in April-May 2023 and the call for submitting proposals is open until March 30. Two more Global Citizenship Awards will be awarded, also inviting student organisations to join the ENLIGHT Teaching & Learning Conference in October. Check the ENLIGHT Global Dialogue website for more information.

Equity Core Group Upcoming Online Seminar - A Just City: City Planning and Equity

Equity Core Group presents an upcoming online seminar on a Just City, focusing on exploring how city planning contributes to the notion of ‘a Just City’.