Are you interested in widening your horizon? Do you want to study at an ENLIGHT university? Do you want to learn from other disciplinary views? Do you want meet peer students from across Europe?
Find out what you can do in ENLIGHT as a student!
Each semester ENLIGHT releases a wide range of new joint courses on different topics and in different formats: blended intensive programmes, summer/winter schools, online tracks, challenges, living-labs etc. All of them will challenge you to solve complex problems, think across disciplinary borders and gain new skills.
Dare to subscribe and meet peers from all over Europe to work on real societal challenges, gain the latest insights from ENLIGHT researchers and broaden your cultural horizon!
Check out which joint courses are open for application!
Not convinced yet? Have a look at what fellow students have to say about the ENLIGHT courses
Take benefit from the best courses that our ENLIGHT universitiese have on offer! Beyond the classic semester exchange, there are many more short-term, blended and online courses.
Browse the course offer of all ENLIGHT universities in our Course Catalogue.
With ENLIGHT there are over 20 international joint programmes where ENLIGHT universities connect their best study programmes into a common track, leading to a joint or double degree diploma.
Learn more about the joint programmes in ENLIGHT.
Student representatives from all 10 ENLIGHT universities have joined forces to organize own activities and community events.
Are you interested in joining the ENLIGHT 'SN'? Get in touch with your institutional ENLIGHT student representative!