
On this page we share reports, key ouputs and communications of ENLIGHT for inspiration and further use. 

Facts and Figures


  • 10 member universities
  • 325.000 students
  • 60.000 staff members
  • 50+ joint courses (on annual basis)
  • 4.000 mobilities between ENLIGHT partners (staff and students)
  • 60.000 overall mobile students

Papers, Statements, Publications

Project outputs

The full list of public deliverables of our ENLIGHT Erasmus+ pilot project (2020-2023) are consultable on the Erasmus+ project results platform. In this section we list some key deliverables

  • Challenge Based Learning in ENLIGHT: learnings from the field [.pdf]This deliverable contains a study on the ENLIGHT pilot courses, which use a CBL approach and blended format, to identify lessons learnt and develop recommendations for new courses.
  • ENLIGHT Impact study: Pilot case 'narratives with numbers' [.pdf]: The deliverable presents the results of the three pilot case studies in the form of “narratives with numbers”, also named “narratives of change”, which cover three major ENLIGHT action lines: ENLIGHT Challenge-based Education, ENLIGHT Mobility, ENLIGHT Regional Academies.The narratives of change contain metrics and narratives (i.e. a combination of quantitative data and qualitative information) following our ENLIGHT Methodology and Toolkit for the Impact Assessment of Higher Education.

Project outputs of our ENLIGHT RISE project (H2020 Swafs) are available via our ENLIGHT R&I Observatory and via Zenodo. Available deliverables feature the following topics: Research & Innovation Synergies, Digital research infrastructures, Research assessment & Early Career Researchers, Innovation, Open Science, Public Engagement & Co-Creation of Research, and Research Impact. 



Check out the ENLIGHT YouTube channel for ENLIGHT lectures, conferences, webinars and more!