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We are looking for professor/researcher who has specifics skills in these space areas and who would like to participate to our new and exciting training project or supervise internship students (master 2). The expertise focuses on preclinical space research, health, radiation, confinement, habitability, animal and plant production for life support, environmental control, biosensor adaptations but also on ethics or entrepreneurship for space exploration. 

Tags: Space

    Practical Details

    Disciplinary field: space research, health, radiation, confinement, habitability, animal and plant production
    Funding programme: external calls in the field of health, biology, sport, vegetal
    Institution: University of Bordeaux
    First and last name: Dr. JL Morel and JF Quignard

    Tags: Space

We are very interested in collaborating with partners from the ENLIGHT network with a like-minded focus on promoting community engagement in mathematics and are looking forward to discussing how best to proceed with such initaitives.

We can already anticipate the value that would be added to this project, for example, by collaborators:

  • Providing feedback on the Hidden Figures work that the student engages in during the internship including the partner’s local perspective.
  • Creating a Hidden Figures hunt in their local area, sharing the hunt with the project partners, and providing feedback on the process

Tags: Mathematics, Education

    Practical Details

    if "other": community engagement
    Disciplinary field: Mathematics, Education
    Funding programme: ENLIGHT+
    Institution: University of Galway
    First and last name: Emma Holian
    Position: Lecturer

    Tags: Mathematics, Education

    Practical Details

    Disciplinary field: political science, history, economics, knowledge science, informatics
    Funding programme: ENLIGHT+
    Institution: University of Göttingen
    Faculty/Department: University of Göttingen
    First and last name: Burcu Ucaray Mangitli
    Position: Postdoctoral researcher

    Tags: Research

At Uppsala University, we have organized teams for international student competition in synthetic biology, iGEM ( since 2009. The activity is run as a course "Project in Laboratory Synthetic biology" 15 credits, with the main part taking part during the Summer semester. We also offer a course "International Summer School in Synthetic biology" 5 credits. We would love to form a network within ENLIGHT to share experiences and discuss possibilities for development.

Tags: Biotechnology

    Practical Details

    Disciplinary field: Biotechnology
    Institution: Uppsala University
    Faculty/Department: Department of Biology Education
    First and last name: Margareta Krabbe
    Position: Senior Lecturer

    Tags: Biotechnology

    Practical Details

    Disciplinary field: Middle Eastern Studies, Anthropology, History, Social Sciences
    Institution: Ghent University
    Faculty/Department: Department of Languages and Cultures, Arabic and Islamic Studies
    First and last name: Lisa Maria Franke
    Position: Assistant Professor

We are looking for research groups from ENLIGHT universities that want to collaborate or work on a common project. We are looking for colleagues in the field of psychology and education science. We further offer to give workshops on the topic at the partner universities.

Tags: Research, Diversity

    Practical Details

    Disciplinary field: Psychology; Educational Science
    Institution: University of the Basque Country

    Tags: Research, Diversity

Academics and researchers from Bordeaux, Ghent, Galway, Groningen, Tartu and Uppsala joined the new Nursing network led by UPV/EHU in a first meeting to set off collaborations across the Alliance.

Tags: Health

    Practical Details

    Disciplinary field: Nursing
    Institution: University of the Basque Country
    Faculty/Department: Faculty of Medicine and Nursing
    First and last name: Saloa Unanue
    Position: Lecturer at University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Coordinator of the Degree in Nursing. Vice-Dean of External Internships. Faculty of Medicine and Nursing.

    Tags: Health

    Practical Details

    Institution: University of Groningen
    Faculty/Department: Agricola School of Sustainable Development
    First and last name: Erika Darics
    Position: Acdemic

    Tags: Digitalisation

    Practical Details

    Disciplinary field: Biotechnology
    Institution: University of Tartu
    Faculty/Department: Institute of Technology
    First and last name: Kaido Kurrikoff
    Position: Associate professor

    Tags: Biotechnology, Research