News & Events

Eight ENLIGHT partners brought the 'Winter School: Fake News' to life

Starting from 1 February 2024, the Winter School: Fake News kicked off, culminating in its on-site session from 12 to 16 February 2024, hosted at the Evangelical Theological Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava.

ENLIGHT at the European Student Assembly 2024

Inspiration, motivation, and new friendships, these are the three words that best characterise European Student Assembly 2024 or ESA 24. The assembly took place from 10 to 12 April 2024, in Strasbourg, France, at the European Parliament.

Online lecture: Rule of Law: The ambiguities of an unqualified human good

On behalf of Comenius University Regional Academy we would like to invite students, teachers and researchers to the online lecture "The ambiguities of an unqualified human good" which will be given by András Sajó.

András Sajó is Doctor of Law, University Professor at Central European University, senior research fellow at CEU Democracy Institute, former judge and Vice President at European Court of Human Rights and a member of Oversight Board in Meta. 

The aim of this talk is to discuss the potential and limits of the rule of law in constitutional self-defense. As a conceptual tool, 'rule of law' is ubiquitous, wielded by many including those not committed to the capacity of constitutionalism to impose restraints on unchecked power. In a narrow reading, the rule of law not only does not halt, but may even perpetuate ruler domination. But when recognizing this inherent limitation, it may serve as a powerful tool to respond to illiberal practices of cheating.

Useful information

Date and time: 22 April 2024, 16:15-18:15 CEST
Location: ZOOM
Meeting ID: 980 3958 7412
Passcode: 078119
Link for online lecture: 
Contacts: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Online lecture: The dynamics in the decision-making process in the Council of the EU: What challenges ahead?

On behalf of Comenius University Regional Academy we would like to invite students, teachers and researchers to the online lecture "The dynamics in the decision-making process in the Council of the EU: what challenges ahead?" which will be given by Tomáš Kozák. 

Tomáš Kozák is a Diplomat, EU Affairs Professional and Former Director General for European Affairs, MFEA Slovakia. 

The aim of the talk is to present the decision-making process in the Council of the European Union, as well as the European Council, in the context of a broader EU institutional setting. While zooming in on dynamics among the Member States in the Council, the talk will offer insider views and experience regarding day-to-day working methods in the Council, as well. The lecture will be followed by a discussion. 

The question how to improve decision-making process in the Council has been continuously discussed also in the context of EU enlargement and the need to strengthen the EU’s capacity to act. Switching from unanimity to qualified majority voting (QMV) is one of the ideas that resonated politically at national levels. The talk will strive to provide answers when it comes to maintaining the principle of equality of Member States and possible challenges in reaching decisions in an enlarged Union.

Useful information

Date and time: 15 April 2024, 12:45-14:45 CEST
Location: MS Teams
Link for online lecture: 
Contacts: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Final call for the UniTartu Summer School 2024 courses – apply before 30 April!

The UniTartu Summer School takes place from 28 July to 11 August 2024 in the vibrant city of Tartu. We are inviting everyone to submit their applications by 30 April 2024.  

The UniTartu Summer School offers 11 high-quality summer courses in various fields, such as IT, Business, Humanities, Medicine, Science and Technology, Politics and Social Sciences, and International Relations. 

Applicants need to submit a scanned transcript of academic records, a copy of their passport, a motivation letter and an online application. Additionally, there is a non-refundable application fee of 25 EUR, which allows participants to apply for up to two summer courses. Applicants can expect to receive a decision on their application within ten days after applying.

3rd ENLIGHT RISE and Arqus Alliance Open Science Ambassador Webinar on 29 April

Registration is open for the 2nd ENLIGHT RISE and Arqus Alliance Ambassador Webinar Series on Open Science

ENLIGHT-RISE Workshop “Responsible Assessment of research and researchers. Changing evaluation culture in academia” - 21 May 2024

“Responsible Assessment of research and researchers. Changing evaluation culture in academia”

ENLIGHT Student Network Conference in a Nutshell

In the first days of March this year, the ENLIGHT Student Network's Making Connections: Strengthening Student Life conference took place, sparking insightful discussions and fostering new connections!

Hosted at Ghent University, the event unfolded on Friday, 1 March and Saturday, 2 March, bringing together students from universities across Europe, including Bern, Bordeaux, Ghent, Galway, Göttingen, Groningen, the Basque Country, Tartu, Bratislava, and Uppsala.

ENLIGHT Lecture Series on 'Culture & Creativity' – upcoming Lecture 'Anthropocene and Cultural Shifts' on April 10th at 3pm CET

In this summer semester, the ENLIGHT Lecture Series will focus on the topic "Culture & Creativity" starting with the upcoming event:  "Anthropocene and Cultural Shifts" on April 10, 3 pm CET

ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference 2024

The fourth ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference took place at the University of Tartu from 7 to 9 October 2024. The conference theme was Innovation and Creativity in Higher Education.

Final EDLab webinar: “The road ahead to a European degree: lessons learned from the European Degree Label institutional laboratory"

On 3 April 2024 at 10.00 CET, the EDLab consortium organizes the last webinar in a series of four. The detailed programme can be found here. Registration can be done via the following link.

Register for ENLIGHT's Matchmaking Event and Early Career Researchers Leadership Training (29-30 April)

The ENLIGHT Matchmaking Event is an excellent opportunity for researchers to forge thematic collaborations across our universities. This event offers significant prospects for collaboration and networking with fellow ENLIGHT researchers.