Student Network

The ENLIGHT Student Network - Governance Team

The Governance team ensures the students’ perspective is considered at all levels of decision making of the alliance. To achieve this, the Governance team takes on a formal role in the different ENLIGHT boards, and actively participates in the working groups. This way we ensure that the students’ voices are heard during the policy- and decision-making process.

Governing Board

The Governing Board is the highest decision-making body of ENLIGHT. It decides on the strategy, governance and long-term objectives of our alliance. Together with the 10 rectors/presidents of the universities, the Student Board is an active member of the Governing Board, addressing topics, representing students and voting when needed. The Governing Board meets at least twice per year and more often when necessary.

Directors Board

The Directors Board is the central executive body of ENLIGHT. It is responsible for overseeing the main projects and the structural development of ENLIGHT. It validates progress and prepares the strategy for ENLIGHT. Two students from the Student Network Governance team join the Directors Board in the monthly meetings where they address students' issues and where needed vote on decisions.

Project Board

The Project Board oversees the work plan of our main ENLIGHt project. It monitors the progress of tasks, deliverables, and budget across the work packages. The Governance team also joins this board's meetings to be updated on the progress and inform the alliance of the Student Network’s own activities.

Working groups

Among the different work packages, the Student Network is focused on the ones that directly affect student life. Besides the temporary working groups, the Governance team also takes part in the working groups of Green Mobility, Diversity and Inclusion, Digital Campus and the ROCKET Advisory group. The Governance team provides early input in the policy making process and takes note of what happens around these tasks.


Curious about what the Student Board or Student Network Community does? Read more about our Student Board or Student Network Community.

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