Faces of ENLIGHT



»Basically, ENLIGHT has changed my life...« 


Adrián is a General Medicine student at Comenius University in Bratislava, whose academic path took an exciting turn after he joined ENLIGHT. Passionate about neurohealth and global challenges, he actively contributes to the Student Network and embraces opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration. Driven by curiosity and a commitment to innovation, Adrian embodies the spirit of academic exchange and the power of cross-university cooperation in shaping a better future.


Adrian Binka CU Faces of ENLIGHT Photo 


Where are you studying? Was this your first choice of university?

ADRIÁN: I am studying General Medicine at the Medical Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava. Actually, yes, medicine was my first choice. I don't have any exciting story; I didn't like math, so I thought, "Okay, medicine looks like fun. There's research, clinical skills, and you can choose whatever specialty you want at the end of your studies." I also like talking to people, and most medical specialties require a lot of communication.

How did you find out about ENLIGHT European University? 

ADRIÁN: Actually, a friend of mine sent it to me to see if I wanted to join the BIP about neurohealth. He knew that I like studying the brain. I just googled how hard it is to get to Uppsala. When I realized it wasn't that hard, I sent the application. All of this happened on the deadline day. In the BIP, project manager Bjorn from Uppsala asked me if I was interested in being part of the Student Network. Then, on the flight home, I wrote an email to the ENLIGHT office, and here I am, doing the Faces of ENLIGHT interview.

Have you been a part of any ENLIGHT activity or course? 

ADRIÁN:Yes, I attended the BIP program on Global and Environmental Aspects of Neurohealth, and now I am also part of the Student Network. Next semester, I applied for the next BIP hosted by Comenius University in Bratislava, which focuses on critical thinking.

I appreciate that ENLIGHT focuses on its priority areas, which are very relevant issues in our society

How would you describe the experience? 

ADRIÁN: It was something incredible . During the BIP, there was challenge-based education task in addressing the issue of how dangerous cities can be for neurohealth. My group chose Stockholm, which was a challenge. We found out that in Stockholm, the areas where people with lower salaries live have more sick days, more advertisements for ultra-processed food, and higher crime rates compared to the richer areas. I worked with another medical student and a toxicology student, which was an extraordinary experience to multidisciplinary deal with problems that actually exist and could affect a huge number of people.

What are the benefits ENLIGHT has brought you? OR How was it beneficial for you?

ADRIÁN:I am also in the Student Network, the biggest benefit is that we, as students, can have an impact on the ENLIGHT alliance. We have regular meetings where we can not only amplify the student voice but also drive ENLIGHT towards a better future for ENLIGHT education.

Did it change you and how?

ADRIÁN:Basically, ENLIGHT has changed my life. Since the ENLIGHT BIP, I started commuting by bike, no matter the weather. Then I found deep research motivation in my studies. And last but not least, I have started targeting sustainable problems in my daily life.

What motivated you to participate in ENLIGHT?

ADRIÁN:Two things – ENLIGHT is a place where you can collaborate with colleagues from 10 universities across Europe. The idea of easy collaboration on a European scale is not only beneficial for individuals but also for citizens of the EU and the entire world. At the same time, I appreciate that ENLIGHT focuses on its priority areas, which are very relevant issues in our society. On the other hand, my biggest motivation is to promote ENLIGHT. My experiences with ENLIGHT were some of the best memories during my studies, but I realized that not many students know about ENLIGHT. So, my biggest motivation is to promote ENLIGHT so that other students can experience something similar.

...we can not only amplify the student voice but also drive ENLIGHT towards a better future for ENLIGHT education

What city did you visit, what was your impression of it?

ADRIÁN:I visited Uppsala, and it was love at first sight. I was there during autumn, and it struck me as a very cozy city. I rented a bike and rode through colorful parks nearby, which was an incredible experience. The atmosphere was peaceful, and the autumn colors added a magical touch to the surroundings. The university town charm, combined with the historical architecture and vibrant nature, made Uppsala a place I would love to visit again.

What do you like to do in your free time?

ADRIÁN:In my free time, I work a lot; to be honest, I am borderline workaholic. However, I also enjoy long bicycle rides with my friends. . Cycling not only helps me stay active but also allows me to relax and enjoy the company of my friends in the great outdoors.
Would you choose a vacation by the sea, in the city or in the mountains?
In the city near the mountains, I love hiking, exploring cities, and enjoying the local cuisine. I can't just relax quietly on the beach; I always need to be active and engaged in activities.

If you were to recommend ENLIGHT to a colleague, what would you say?

ADRIÁN:I would say that ENLIGHT is an open door to academic collaboration across Europe. It's a place where you can actively engage in finding solutions to some of the most pressing issues facing the EU today. It offers unique opportunities to work with students and faculty from diverse backgrounds and disciplines, fostering a rich environment for learning, and research.