ENLIGHT courses

  1. AI and Law

    AI systems need careful regulations due to their deep potential impact in every aspect of our lives. AI professionals and legal practitioners will need to work hand-in-hand; this course will enable both profiles to understand each other´s works. Type:...

  2. Blurred Meanings in Law, Regulations, Guidelines

    A multidisciplinary, team-based summer school in Tartu, Estonia in July 2023. Type: virtual course Course dates: 17 - 28 July 2023 Registration closed A multidisciplinary, team-based summer school in Tartu, Estonia in July 2023. {tab title="About the...

  3. Climate Histories: Science and Art in the Public Space

    This course coincides with the conference "Climate Histories", focusing on how we can understand and re-evaluate established interpretations of how societies can adapt and transform in an era of accelerating climate change. Type: blended intensive...

  4. Collaborating in Planetary Health

    Planetary Health is a solutions-oriented, transdisciplinary field and social movement focused on analyzing and addressing the impacts of human disruptions to Earth’s natural systems on human health and all life on Earth. Type: virtual course Course...

  5. ENLIGHT Equity and Sustainability Transitions, Summer School

    Fairness is important! When things seem unfair to us, we are often outraged and complain loudly. join us in this postgraduate interdisciplinary summer school, where we will unpack equity and sustainability transitions. Type: blended programme (no...

  6. Environment, Health and Climate Change 2025

    This interdisciplinary course will give you an increased understanding of the complex relationships between health, environment, and climate change, particularly regarding sustainable cities and wellbeing. Type: blended intensive programme (Erasmus+ or...

  7. Equity and Equality in Education and Medicine

    The interactive online 5-day winter school will focus on human rights, equity and equal treatment through case studies, practitioners’ experiences, and researchers’ studies. Type: virtual course Course dates: 15-19 November 2021 Registration closed The...

  8. Fake News Winter School

    Students will gain an understanding of fake news in 6 ENLIGHT flagship areas, primarily in terms of their recognition, definition, comparison and evaluation of common features. Type: virtual course Course dates: Online 1 February - 8 February, 2024...

  9. Identity and contested memory construction of migrant/diasporic communities in the Mediterranean

    With three workshops and various lectures from local and invited researchers we want to offer a space for scholars and students to exchange and create knowledge relating to the complex region of the Mediterranean. Type: physical course Course dates: 29...

  10. International Module Teacher Education 2025

    This course aims to prepare student teachers to address challenges related to global citizenship in their future classroom. It discusses two challenges: dealing with diversity in education and inclusive education. Type: virtual course Course dates: 12...

  11. Just Sustainable Cities: Perspective from Post-Socialist Eurasia 2025

    This course introduces students to theoretical and methodological tools from the research fields of justice, urban studies, and sustainable development, in order to teach synergetic approaches to the study of just sustainable cities. Type: virtual...

  12. Language for Environmental Future

    How can you use your language skills in the global conversation about climate change? This course brings together students and scholars with interests in multilingualism, translation, globalisation and the environmental humanities, to reflect on how to...

  13. Migration, Health and Ethics in a Globalised World 2025

    This interdisciplinary course will give you an increased understanding of the complex relationship between migration and health and the ethical principles connected to it. You will also gain knowledge about how different definitions and the migratory...

  14. Popular music and activism

    This course draws on literature from for example musicology, cultural studies, music education, gender studies and media studies in examining popular music’s role in activism and social change. Type: virtual course Course dates: 11 Sep - 31 Oct 2025...

  15. Researching Equity

    The course will provide an analysis of the challenges associated with equity, diversity and inclusion in the regional contexts of the ENLIGHT partners from various disciplinary angles, including psychology, educational sciences, economics, political...

  16. Summer School Sustainability in the MIddLe East (SMILE)

    This course delves into pressing issues surrounding sustainability in the the Middle East, gaining a comprehensive and nuanced perspective from professionals and scholars from different fields. Type: physical course Course dates: 1 - 5 Sep 2025 Apply...

  17. Sustainable Cities: Visions and challenges 2024

    The course provides a basic understanding of the city's development and sustainability with perspectives from technology, ecology and art science, including architecture and with a specific focus on technical and green infrastructure. Type: virtual...

  18. Teacher Education Plus 2024

    Meet future teachers from different countries online, experience a week of on campus program together and create a project in international teams! Type: virtual course Course dates: Online May/April (Onsite: 27 May -1 June 2024) Registration closed...

  19. Who Owns Religion? An interdisciplinary inquiry into the authority over spiritual life and religious teaching

    Within this BIP exchange we welcome students of various disciplines to enrich their competence about the academic perspectives on religion and engage in a discussion about the role of religion in the contemporary societal transformations. Type: blended...

Results 1 - 19 of 19