• Registration status: Closed

Researching Equity

The course will provide an analysis of the challenges associated with equity, diversity and inclusion in the regional contexts of the ENLIGHT partners from various disciplinary angles, including psychology, educational sciences, economics, political science and medicine. Students will learn how to design observational and experimental research dealing with an equity-related subtopic of their own choice.

About the course


Students will be guided by a variety of examples of equity-related topics as well as by lectures about quantitative and qualitative research methods that are needed to design research on equity-related issues. These will (among other topics) include lectures on economic inequality and/or health disparities, social-psychological perspectives on equity, diversity, inclusion, and on how to conduct cross-cultural research. The aim of the course is to involve students in the whole research design process which will help them to develop further their disciplinary and transversal skills.

Learning outcomes

After this module, students will be able to:

  • understand the various dimensions of equity and its determinants in various contexts
  • identify and describe multiple challenges people face in different environments
  • describe and compare selected quantitative and qualitative research methods
  • choose the appropriate research method, develop a research design and measurement instrument
  • develop a research topic and question of appropriate scope
  • design research on their chosen dimension of equity
  • understand the role and significance of marginalization processes in their own local as well as other European contexts
  • sensitively approach the issue of adapting a research project to diverse cultural contexts
  • apply and further develop as well as reflect on their intercultural communication and negotiation competences by working together in multinational and interdisciplinary teams
  • improve their project management and problem-solving skills as a result of independent organization and work within their groups and group meetings


Further information about the program will follow soon.


  • Final presentation (20 min)
  • Survey portfolio (10 pages plus appendix documents such as questionnaires)


  • Sebastian Vollmer (University of Göttingen)
  • Miriam Ureta (University of the Basque Country)
  • Andrej Findor (Comenius University Bratislava)
  • Sabine Otten (University of Groningen)
  • Charlotte De Kock (Ghent University)


  • Type: virtual course
  • Level: Master
  • Host: University of Göttingen
  • Courses – Focus area: Equity
  • Study Field: All fields
  • Course dates: Onsite week: 25 - 29 September 2023 (followed by virtual phase)
  • Apply by: Registration closed
  • ECTS: 6