News & Events

ENLIGHT Equity Winter School (15-19 November 2021)

Equal treatment as a principle and as a practice is often discussed in the context of minorities or ‘vulnerable groups’. However, equal treatment does not always assure either equality or equity. How to create an organisation that supports human rights, equity and equal treatment in its every phase? The interactive online 5-day winter school “Equity and Equality” is focusing on these principles and questions. Participants can hear more on the development of the idea behind equity and equality, and how to assure them in medicine and education.

The world's first autonomous hydrogen vehicle granted road permit in Estonia

The Estonian autonomous vehicle manufacturer Auve Tech and the University of Tartu have collaborated to develop the world's first autonomous hydrogen vehicle, which has now driven its first test kilometres and passed the test of Estonian Road Administration in order to start operating on public roads.

The world premiere event introducing this shuttle bus created in Estonia will take place on 5 July 2021 in Tartu, Estonia.

The Ban Ki-moon Global Citizen Mentorship 2021 Program has kicked off successfully!

On June 24, together with the ENLIGHT Core Group on “Health and Well-Being”, the Ban Ki-moon Centre’s Mentorship Program 2021 has kicked-off with welcome remarks from Heinz Fischer, 11th President of Austria and BKMC Co-chair, Stephanie Debette, ENLIGHT DM Chair and UBx VP External Relations, and Monika Froehler, BKMC CEO.

NUI Galway to follow University of the Basque Country as ENLIGHT chair

ENLIGHT will transform its team members to a similar extent as the target recipients of its learning actions, says rector Ferreira.

The opening address of rector Ferreira (University of the Basque Country) at the June 2021 ENLIGHT mid-year meeting highlighted and saluted the intense work carried out in the previous months.

Tartu recognised as a Silver Level Green Tourism Destination

Tartu participates in the project in order to stand out as an attractive destination among visitors who appreciate responsible tourism. The label recognises Tartu’s development as both a living environment and a tourist destination.

Applying for a recognised quality label required the completion of a report consisting of one hundred criteria, which mapped the current situation in Tartu in areas of importance for sustainable tourism.

ENLIGHT-students welcoming more students to join the Student Network!

From meeting for the first time late last year to successfully finishing ENLIGHT’s midyear-meeting with students represented on all levels, let us show you what we have achieved!

ENLIGHT boosts sustainability policies at Comenius University in Bratislava

Members of the ENLIGHT project community of Comenius University have been actively promoting sustainability and eco-friendly policy within the institution.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships in Public Health (@Groningen)

Are you looking for a postdoc position in the field of Public Health under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (Horizon Europe)? Then, the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health (AJSPH) in Groningen is your option.

HEAT-NET Frontiers in Neurodegeneration (Göttingen, 6-8 September 2021)

In cooperation with the Harvard European Alumni Training Network (HEAT-Net) Göttingen will host the scientific meeting 'Neurodegeneration: from bench to bedside' from 6 to 8 September 2021.

Review - Successful Workshop on 'The Age of Inclusion' (15 June 2021)

On 15 June 2021, Göttingen Diversity Research Institute hosted the first virtual workshop in the ENLIGHT project „Equity under pressure“. The Göttingen team was joined by Prof. Alexis Dewaele (Ghent University), Dr. Andrej Findor (University of Bratislava), Dr. Julia Martínez-Ariño (University of Groningen) and Dr. Lorraine McIlrath (NUI Galway) in a lively discussion on “The Age of Inclusion”. The goal is to develop an international research consortium.

Communities and Universities: Sharing the Journey to Shape the Future – Part 2

The “Communities and Universities: Sharing the Journey to Shape the Future – Part 2” event is a showcase of all of the initiatives that are happening within the ENLIGHT alliance, where universities and their external communities are working together to come up with solutions to today’s societal issues that are the flagship challenges within ENLIGHT.

Summer School on Illicit Trade (Groningen, 5-9 July 2021)

In cooperation with the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) the University of Groningen organizes the fourth edition of the Summer School on Illicit Trade, which will be delivered online, from 5 to 9 July 2021.