ENLIGHT courses

  1. AI and Law

    AI systems need careful regulations due to their deep potential impact in every aspect of our lives. AI professionals and legal practitioners will need to work hand-in-hand; this course will enable both profiles to understand each other´s works. Type:...

  2. Behavioural Approaches to Sustainability Challenges

    This course focuses on the economic and social dimensions of sustainable development through the lens of experimental game theory/behavioral economics. Type: blended intensive programme (Erasmus+ or SEMP funding) Course dates: 6 Oct 2025 - 31 Jan 2026...

  3. ENLIGHT Equity and Sustainability Transitions, Summer School

    Fairness is important! When things seem unfair to us, we are often outraged and complain loudly. join us in this postgraduate interdisciplinary summer school, where we will unpack equity and sustainability transitions. Type: blended programme (no...

  4. European and Comparative Company Law and Corporate Governance

    The course aims to familiarise students with organisational structures of companies in different European countries and provides a legal and economic analysis of different topics of the governance of companies. Type: virtual course Course dates: 22 Sep...

  5. Neurobiology of Affective Disorders

    This course gives an extensive introduction of the most prevalent affective disorders, their genetic or environmental causes, the underlying brain mechanisms as well as new clinical methods to treat them. Type: virtual course Course dates: 22 Sep 2025...

  6. Russia between East and West

    This course zooms in on an issue which has induced many heated discussions in Russia in the past and which continues to (co)determine Russia’s (cultural) politics until today: is Russia a Western, Eastern or a self-contained culture / civilization?...

  7. Summer School Sustainability in the MIddLe East (SMILE)

    This course delves into pressing issues surrounding sustainability in the the Middle East, gaining a comprehensive and nuanced perspective from professionals and scholars from different fields. Type: physical course Course dates: 1 - 5 Sep 2025 Apply...

  8. Sustainable Development, Trade and Environmental Economics

    The seminar focuses on environmental economics in a globalized context within the framework of sustainable development. For this purpose, the seminar will cover different topics, starting from the sustainable development concept. Type: physical course...

Results 1 - 8 of 8