• Registration status: Closed

Sustainable Development, Trade and Environmental Economics

The seminar focuses on environmental economics in a globalized context within the framework of sustainable development. For this purpose, the seminar will cover different topics, starting from the sustainable development concept. The seminar will also explore, from an economic perspective, climate change as one of the main global environmental issues, considering the state of scientific evidence, energy implications and policies in climate change.

About the course


Block I - Environment and development

  • Topic 1. Natural capital, sustainability and wellbeing
  • Topic 2. The Sustainable Development Goals
  • Topic 3. Environmental degradation and economic development
  • Topic 4. Income inequality and environmental quality
  • Topic 5. The economics of climate change
  • Topic 6. Drivers of environmental innovations
  • Topic 7: Environmental goods and services

Block II - Environment and trade

  • Topic 8. Environment and international trade
  • Topic 9. Trade liberalization and pollution havens
  • Topic 10. Foreign direct investment and pollution havens
  • Topic 11. Trade agreements and environmental agreements
  • Topic 12. Climate change controls and trade policy
  • Topic 13. International trade in waste

Block III - Environmental policies and regulation

  • Topic 14. National and regional policies to protect the environment
  • Topic 15. Post Kyoto: The Copenhagen and the Paris climate change negotiations
  • Topic 16. Migration and climate change
  • Topic 17. The Porter hypothesis: Environmental regulations, innovation and productivity
  • Topic 18: Local pollutants and its effects on air quality and health

Learning outcomes

Global environmental problems such as global warming have received great publicity in recent times. Since most of them have a transboundary nature, they can only be addressed effectively through international cooperation. We will discuss the use of trade policy as an instrument for achieving significant reductions in carbon emissions and also whether trade policies can be effectively used as enforcement mechanisms to support environmental cooperation. In addition, we will discuss the ongoing negotiations on climate change and the environment that, similar to the trade case, will cover an increasing scope of environmental issues in future rounds of negotiation.




Written essay and oral presentation 


Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso 

  • Type: physical course
  • Host: University of Göttingen
  • Courses – Focus area: Climate Change, Energy and Circular Economy, Global Engagement
  • Study Field: Economics and Law
  • Course dates: 28 October 2022 (14h-15h)
  • Additional course dates: Presentations and discussions: 2 + 3 February 2023 (8h - 17h)
  • Apply by: Registration closed
  • ECTS: 6