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ENLIGHT RISE Online workshop on reforming research(er) assessment

The ENLIGHT-RISE Research Assessment Working Group cordially invites you to join its third and final online workshop on reforming research(er) assessment. Mark your calendar for 21 May 2024 from 10:00 to 13:00 CEST to engage in our enlightening discussions!

This workshop holds significant relevance for all members of the research community, including researchers, academics, institutional leaders, policy makers, and research and HR managers alike. Together, we shall explore the evolving landscape of research and researcher evaluation, critically examining current practices and envisioning transformative reforms.

Preliminary programme: 

10:00-10:15: Welcome (Laurent Servant, vice-president for International networks, University of Bordeaux)

10:15-10:45: Zuzana Lisoňová(Comenius University Bratislava) presenting a case study from Comenius University 

10:45-11:15: Encieh Erfani (Global Young Academy) introducing the perspective of early career researchers on the reform of research(er) assessment

11:15-11:45: Eric Macé (University of Bordeaux), Gender and diversity integration into research content and methodology

11:45-12:15: Birgit Schmidt (University of Göttingen) about the importance of reforming research(er) assessment from the point of view of Open Science

12:15-12:45: Bianca Kramer introducing the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Infrastructures

12:45-13:00: Closure (Nele Bracke, chair ENLIGHT-RISE Research Assessment Working Group)

More information and a link to register are available on (deadline for registration: 14 May 2024).



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