News & Events

EAIE Toulouse 2024: see ENLIGHT colleagues at work and join the ENLIGHT meet & greet!

This year’s EAIE Annual Conference and Exhibition will take place in Toulouse from 17-20 September.

The 2024 conference theme is 'En Route!' and covers a broad range of activities: workshops, panels, poster sessions, addressing all possible aspects of internationalization in higher education. Check out the below overview of the sessions featuring ENLIGHT colleagues.  

The University of Bordeaux hosts an ENLIGHT Meet & Greet for all colleagues working at ENLIGHT universities attending the EAIE conference on Wednesday 18 Sept from 4.30 pm to 6 pm at stand A55. Save the date! Staff members from the ENLIGHT partner universities can register online. Registered colleagues will gain access to an online directory with  participants.


Time  Session Title
Tuesday 17 Sept 09:00 - 12:30

Workshop: ‘Think before you speak: Language awareness and parallel language use in policy development and implementation’

Featuring Franka van den Hende, University of Groningen
Wednesday 18 Sept 09:00 -10:00

Roundtable session: Rethinking your marketing: It’s time for change

Featuring Joachim Ekström, Uppsala University
Wednesday 18 Sept 09:00 -10:00

Panel session: From there to where? What today’s data tells us about tomorrow’s international students

Featuring Matt Greig, Uppsala University
Wednesday 18 Sept 09:00 -10:30

Spotlight session ‘Teaching, Learning and Curriculum’

Featuring Thierry Villard, Université de Bordeaux
Wednesday 18 Sept 13:30 -14:30

Roundtable session: ‘Apples and pears: Can quality be measured at the transnational level?’

Featuring Robert Wagenaar, University of Groningen
Wednesday 18 Sept 14:30 -16:00

Poster session: ‘What does strategic European engagement look like in Switzerland and Scotland?’

Featuring Ellen Krause, University of Bern

Wednesday 18 Sept 15:30 -16:30

Campfire session: ‘French Life Skills: What it means to live in France’

Featuring Joanne Pagèze, University of Bordeaux
Thursday19 Sept 9:30 - 10:30

Panel session: ‘Anti-marketing: How to use negative personas and contra-signalling to recruit the right students’

Featuring  Laven Fathi Garcia, Uppsala University
Thursday19 Sept 9:30 - 10:30

Roundtable session: ‘Unlocking the potential: Engaging Educational Developers in Internationalisation of the Curriculum at Home (IoCaH)’

Featuring Tanja Reiffenrath, University of Göttingen
Thursday19 Sept 10:30 - 12:00

Poster session: ‘Empowering internationalisation in teacher training: Success in Sweden’

Featuring Katarina Gahne, Uppsala University
Thursday19 Sept 13:00 - 13:30

Campfire session: ‘Top tips to become an EAIE speaker’

Featuring Joachim Ekström, Uppsala University
Thursday19 Sept 14:00 - 15:00

Panel session: ‘Beyond email: How to succeed with chatbots and peer-to-peer channels’

Featuring Eveli Soo, University of Tartu
Thursday19 Sept 14:00 - 15:00

Ignite session: ‘Fostering student development’

Featuring Chahira Nouira, University of Goettingen
Thursday 19 Sept 14:00 - 15:00

Roundtable session: Charting a course: Integrating critical thinking and intercultural competence in the classroom

Featuring Thierry Villard, Université de Bordeaux


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