As higher education institutions, the ENLIGHT partner act as regional, national, and global innovators preparing society for necessary transformation through appropriate governance, research, education and transfer activities, as well as sustainable operations and facilities.
One of the major goals of the European University ENLIGHT is the continuous reduction of CO2 emissions in all areas of the partner universities, which has been emphasised by the signing of the ENLIGHT Sustainability Engagement Agreement in 2021.
National and international travel at higher education institutions contributes significantly to carbon emissions. To address this, it is crucial to encourage employees and students to adopt more sustainable travel practices. The ENLIGHT Green Network has developed a Sustainable Travel Policy to promote environmentally friendly travel among the ENLIGHT partner universities.
On the ENLIGHT sustainable travel and living platform, the partners provide instutional and network information with regard to sustainable mobility and living as well as CO2 calculation and offsetting opportunities.
Travel Decision Tree
Travel Decision Tree click to scroll down for details
Travel Map
Air Travel click to scroll down for details
CO2 Calculation
Air Travel click to scroll down for details
- Carbon Emissions Calculator of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
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Sustainable Living Catalogues / Information
University of the Basque Country click to scroll down for details
- Transport / Mobility
- Mobility-related studies and recommendations and activities
- Bike-parking and showers available for bikers
- Upgraded parking options for car-sharing members
- UPV/EHU adheres to the Euskadi (Basque Country) Platform against Food Waste. A report on food waste at the university is to be released
- Food Information
- All procurement procedures, including vending machines and other food-related services contracted by the University need to follow the recommendations of the Rector on sustainable food.
- Restaurants
- Most restaurants and canteens joined a collective programme to assess foodwaste. A list of recommendations was issued, based on the results of the programmes
- Second hand shops / green business
- Energy saving tips
- The University of the Basque Country has chosen to close all services and building for 2 weeks in August, the first week of the year (Winter break) and Easter week (Spring break) for the purpose of energy saving
- Energy consumption data are effectively communicated with a view to raising awareness
- Climate change good practice guide
- Climate change and energy saving projects
- Sustainable tips and behaviour on the campus
- The planet App challenge: the University community can assess and reduce their carbon footprint
- OCEAN Generation event: workshop and garbage collection in several beaches
- Sustainability-related Teaching and Learning projects (Campus Bizia Lab)
- Training and mentoring services available for Environmental Improvement Teams acting at each Faculty
- Waste Management
- Cultural Aspects
- European Solidarity: information event on voluntary work for Young Europeans
- Summer course (July 2023) on Sustainable Development
- Final Degree projects and internships in social entities and organizations of Latin America
- Volunteering opportunities during the summer holidays
- Sustainability training options available
University of Bordeaux click to scroll down for details
Comenius University Bratislava click to scroll down for details
University of Galway click to scroll down for details
University of Galway Student Sustainability Toolkit: An e-booklet with Information & tips on how to move towards a more sustainable way of living. Developed by an NUI Galway student, for NUI Galway students
An Induction Course introducing students to the concept of sustainability, why is it important and what we are doing at the university to become more sustainable
Introduction to Energy Awareness course for students, energy awareness tips to follow at home and in the university
Sustainable Event Checklist - is intended as a simplified tool to assist event organisers to organise sustainable events
Green Directory of Businesses for Galway City
We share tips and information on sustainable living on our social media platforms
Twitter: @GaillimhSustain
Instagram: @uniofgalwaysustainability
Ghent University click to scroll down for details
University of Göttingen click to scroll down for details
University of Groningen click to scroll down for details
- Transport/Mobility: Mobility page and Sustainability Student Guide (page 7)
- Food Information: Sustainability Student Guide (page 11)
- Restaurants, second hand shops / green business
- Energy saving tips: Sustainability Student Guide (page 10)
- Sustainable tips and behaviour on the campus: Sustainability Student Guide (page 6)
- Waste Management
University of Tartu click to scroll down for details
- Transport/Mobility:Travelling to Estonia is quick and convenient. You can fly to Tallinn, capital of Estonia with a number of direct routes from largest cities: Amsterdam, Frankfurt, London, Paris, Vienna and many other cities. Ferry routes connect Tallinn with Helsinki and Stockholm.
Once you arrive, travelling within the country is simple and straightforward and due to Estonia's small size, you won't be spending hours in transport. For planning your trip after arrival to Estonina, public transportation portal can be used.
The Elron trains are the most sustainable way to travel from Tallinn to Tartu. Tartu Railway Station is located in a historical station building 1.5 km from the city centre. Additional information and tickets here. From the railway station, the city center can be reached by catching free electric bus No 25 or regular bus No 20. You can also take a taxi, however, a healthy stroll or riding with our Smart Bike also presents the opportunity to do some sightseeing on the way.
There are comfortable direct bus connections between Tallinn and Tartu as well as between larger cities and across the border. More than 50 comfortable buses equipped with a toilet, free Wi-Fi and power outlets, run between Tallinn and Tartu per day. Most of those also stop at Tallinn Airport. Tartu Bus Station is located in the city centre.
The price of the bus ticket depends mainly on the time of the purchase as well as on the demand. When the trip is planned in advance, the probability of getting a price discount is higher. Due to dynamic pricing, the highest price applies to a ticket bought on board the bus from the driver or from customer service representative. On the other hand, a ticket bought through the pre-sale may be acquired for less than half the price. Information about discounts, timetables, and bus routes within Estonia can be found at Information about international bus routes at
Tartu Smart Bike Share is a public, self-service bike share system for short trips. More than 750 bikes are available from more than 90 stations. Two thirds of the fleet is equipped with electric-assist motors that provide riders with an extra boost when pedalling. - Food Information
- You can find largest selection of fresh seasonal food and raw ingredients from market hall located in City sentre by the rivel Emajõgi.
- Many eateries in the City have daily offers during lunch time, including vegetarian options.
- If you look for vegan food, you can check the Facebook Group “Tartu veganid”.
- Tartu Foodsharing is a movement that saves and distributes leftover food in Tartu to reduce the amount of food wasted and broaden the worldview of its fellow citizens. Through Foodsharing, individuals, traders and producers can offer or collect food that would otherwise be thrown away. The idea comes from Germany, which has a large network of foodsharing points that are organized and developed by thousands of volunteers. The development of such a network is only possible thanks to active people and laws against the generation of food waste. More information on Foodsharing is available on the website.
- Many grocery stores in the City centre have salad bars or warm food counters where you can assemble a delicious lunch for yourself. To reduce the disposable plastic, an Estonian company Ringo has developed Estonian-wide platform for the return of ready-to-eat food packaging. When buying your takeaway in Ringo’s packaging, you need to pay a deposit for the package, just like we are used to with beverage tare. Each Ringo package has a unique QR code. After scanning and opening Ringo’s link, confirm the deposit to the scanned package and return your package to your nearest Ringo’s return bin to make an environmentally friendly choice.
- Avoid overpacking, choose unpacked fruit and vegetables or put them into your own reusable bag.
- The quality of tap water in Tartu is very good, so there is no reason to buy bottled water, you can fill you bottle in all the University buildings.
- Developing community gardening helps to improve the ecological, social and financial situation of the urban environment. Grow your own vegetables in one of the Tartus’s several community gardens: Emajõe Aed, Tartu Organic Community Garden,
- Second hand shops / green business
- There are several options to shop for sorts of items from clothes to microwaves while you settle down. Always remember to carry your own bag when you go out shopping.
- “Don’t throw it away. The Earth will thank you for that.” The idea of repairing is not only limited to clothes. Items from speakers to bicycles are also all possible to repair at this amazing repairs workshop.
- Waste Management
- Waste avoidance helps save material. During the opening hours of the Selli tn 19 and Jaama 72c waste stations, usable household and hobby items (except clothes and shoes) can be returned for reuse. To hand over reusable items, contact an employee of the waste station. Residents can take things from the reuse room for their own use if they wish.
- Waste is not merely garbage, but a resource. Recycling saves energy and natural resources like water, mineral resources, wood. Sorting helps us avoid waste disposal in landfills, water pollution, and its transmission into human organism via food chain. Waste sorting and recycling helps us save money – for example, the fee for emptying package or paper and cardboard containers is either lower or non-existent compared to emptying mixed waste ones.
- In Tartu waste must collected separately. You may start with sorting regularly produced waste types, i.e. collect separately biodegradable waste, packages, paper and cardboard. An ordinary box is suitable for collecting used batteries, medicinal products, hazardous waste. Old paper and package may be taken to public containers. Used regular and rechargeable batteries are commonly collected in places selling those. As a rule, containers are labelled with stickers with the information on the type of waste that can be placed into this container. Larger volumes of paper and cardboard or packaging material (glass, plastic, tetra-pak, metal), biodegradable kitchen and garden waste, hazardous waste (varnish, paint, mercury waste and residues, fluorescent lamps), electronic devices, bulky waste (old furniture, etc.) have to be taken to the local waste station. List of waste stations.
- Clean clothes and home textiles can be taken to public clothes containers. Those items are also accepted free of charge at waste stations (including textiles unsuitable for recycling). Tartu H&M stores in Lõunakeskus (info tel. 614 8160) and Kvartal (info tel. 614 8180) also accept old clothes and textiles for recycling for free.
- Cultural Aspects
- ‘Culture shock’ describes a common reaction to moving to a new, often unfamiliar environment. Culture shock may involve anxiety, a feeling of loss of direction or purpose, an uncertainty of how to do things and what is appropriate in the new cultural context. If you feel stressed, look for help.
- Finding your community can give you a safe space, a place to escape your everyday worries, it can give you a home away from home, and you will find friends there – it’s a great chance to make Estonian friends. Great way to find firiends is volunteering: Nature - People –
- Sources used and useful links:
Uppsala University click to scroll down for details
- Transport/Mobility
- Food Information
- Restaurants
- Second hand shops / green business
- Energy saving tips
- Sustainable tips and behaviour on the campus
- Waste Management
- Cultural Aspects
Institutions and Projects click to scroll down for details
- Office National des Forêts (France)
- BOS+ (Belgium)
- positerra (Germany)
- MoorFutures (Germany)
- Stichting Nationale Koolstofmarkt (The Netherlands)