ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference 2021

The first ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference was hosted by Ghent University on November 18 and 19, 2021. The central conference theme was Learning from and with each other – peer learning across all levels of the university.The theme of peer learning referred to the educational method used in courses and programmes and to learning from each other during and after the conference.

Revisit the conference and award ceremony 2021

Watch the after movie below:

Have a look at the photographs of the event:

Overview of the programme

Keynote speaker: Prof. Eric Mazur

erik mazurEric Mazur is the Balkanski Professor of Physics and Applied Physics and Area Chair of Applied Physics at Harvard University, Member of the Faculty of Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and Past President of the Optical Society. An internationally recognized scientist and researcher, he leads a vigorous research program in optical physics in the Physics Department at Harvard University. Mazur founded several companies and plays an active role in industry. More info on Professor Mazur via http://ericmazur.com

Sessions, speakers and abstracts

We had the honour of welcoming 77 speakers from all 9 ENLIGHT universities. You can find the programme as well as the titles, abstracts and authors of all sessions below.

  • Browse through the programme of day 1 and/or day 2.
  • Download the abstracts here.

Teaching and Learning Award 2021

Did you miss the live ceremony? No problem! Watch it on our ENLIGHT YouTube channel. All information and videos of the nominated courses, can be found here.

University of Groningen wins the Award 2021

The winning course 'Practical Introduction to Research Methods' and the team behind the course: Roxana Bucur, Simon Dalley, Tom Downer, Liga Klavina & Laurent Krook received a beautiful artwork by Ghentian artist Nadine De Meester.

The University of Bordeaux and Ghent University: runners up for the Award 2021

The first runner up course Smartphonics: from autonomous “Do It Yourself” labwork towards collaborative and peer learning experiments uses smartphones to carry out experiments in physics. The team behind this course is: Boudet, Bouy, Bouzdine, Chraibi, Delabre, Dobrijevic, Dumora,  Gerbaux, Perrot, Villain-Guillot.

The second runner up is the course Smart Product Design from Ghent University with the course team: Jelle Saldien, Steven Verstockt and Francis wyffels.

Be inspired by the other nominees!

All ENLIGHT Universities nominated a course for the Award 2021, we showcased these during the ceremony. You can watch them here.

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