ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference 2022

The second ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference was hosted by the University of Göttingen on November 16-18, 2022. The central conference theme was Diversity and Co-Creation in Higher Education: inclusive approaches on-campus and online. 

Watch the after movie below:

Gallery from the Teaching & Learning Conference 2022

Photos by Christoph Mischke

Overview of the programme

 Welcome ceremony

Here you can rewatch the official opening of the conference:

Keynote speaker: Prof. Catherine Bovill

Prof. Catherine Bovill was invited for a keynote speech on "The case for whole class co-creation in learning and teaching: towards inclusive, relational teaching". Regrettably, the keynote speech was canceled. Nevertheless, she later presented the content through an online lecture, see here for more information. The complete lecture can be viewed here.


Closing session

The closing ceremony can be rewatched here:

Teaching and Learning Award 2022

The live award ceremony can be watched on our ENLIGHT YouTube channel. More information and videos of each of the nominated courses can be found here.

This year’s Teaching and Learning Award goes to Uppsala University for the course “Innovation Game: A Summer School Applying Serious Game Design in Health Care and Education” Congratulations to the teaching team! The team includes teachers from Uppsala University, Ghent University  and University of Tartu.

This is what the jury had to say about the winning team: This course convinces though its inclusion of different disciplinary perspectives, high internationality in the student group as well as the group of educators and its use of highly innovative and activating teaching methods. Especially the Design Thinking Approach is applied very successfully. The goal of the course is very much in line with the ENLIGHT challenge of Health and Well-being as well as our emphasis on problem-based learning. Furthermore, the setup of the course is very well thought through and all steps of the programme extensively explained.

The second place went to Ghent University with the course Migration & Society. The third place was for the course The End of the World As We Know It? Climate Change, End Times and Sustainable Futures of the University of Groningen.


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