The third edition of the European Dialogue will be hosted by the University of the Basque Country in Bilbao in May 21 and 22.
The goal of this event is to provide a platform for inspiration and development of bottom-up collaborations between our academics and our regional external partners and to further develop cooperation opportunities in our sixth flagship, namely Culture & Creativity.
Target groups include
- Researchers and teachers members of ENLIGHT teams (early career researchers are particularly welcome).
- Non-university collaboration partners related to the Cultural and Creative sectors.
- Students
- ENLIGHT consortia (funded and non-funded ETNs, Incubator Grants and ENLIGHT+) who are seeking to enlarge their teams, disciplines or reorienting their scopes.
The programme will include opportunities to:
- Briefly showcase cooperation schemes already developed within ENLIGHT partners and/or in collaboration activities involving external partners from the Cultural & Creative sector.
- Share new ideas and visions on new potential collaboration activities or further development of ongoing collaboration activities inviting participation from the ENLIGHT University Alliance.
- Finding new partners to develop existing teams or starting new cooperation partnerships.
The programme includes several plenary sessions and thematic parallel sessions for academics and researchers to get together, describe their activities and interests and network with a view to extend their connections across our alliance.
Members of the ENLIGHT community and beyond can register for the event, knowing that each delegation should be validated by the ENLIGHT staff at their university of affiliation; we hence encourage all interested academics, researchers and students to reach out to your ENLIGHT coordinator.