Nuclear Culture and Nuclear Presence: What Happens after Nuclear Explosions

This workshop will investigate academic concepts and artistic perspectives centred on nuclear energy. It is an opportunity for students & researchers of humanities and natural sciences to come together and discuss how nuclear presence transforms human lives.

About the course


We invite students and researchers from the ENLIGHT network to participate in the workshop about Nuclear Culture in Göttingen. We will cover travel and accommodation costs for selected participants. All the participants will receive 6 ECTS. To apply send a CV and 1-page motivation letter to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Learning outcomes

  • To acquire academic tools and approaches that enable the participants to reason and discuss the influence of nuclear events on various levels of human culture and everyday life
  • By awaking participants’ own nuclear experiences and memories, attempt to prioritize, summarize and visualize personal nuclear history
  • To raise appreciation for artistic expressions as non-verbal sources of nuclear culture


The workshop will contain:

  • keynotes about nuclear culture in various contexts (Belarus, Japan, India etc.)
  • groupwork and discussions of different academic, personal and artistic perspectives on nuclear
  • interactive exhibition and pain-air of the Eastern-European eco art
  • eco workshop with the artists


Attendance and active participation


PD Dr Fritz Heinrich

Elena Romashko, PhD candidate


  • Type: physical course
  • Host: University of Göttingen
  • Courses – Focus area: Health and Well-being, Energy and Circular Economy
  • Study Field: All fields
  • Course dates: 22 to 26 August 2022 (workshop) - 22 to 28 August 2022 (art exhibition)
  • Apply by: Registration closed
  • ECTS: 6
  • Number of places available: 2 per ENLIGHT partner university