ENLIGHT courses

  1. Summer School Sustainability in the MIddLe East (SMILE)

    This course delves into pressing issues surrounding sustainability in the the Middle East, gaining a comprehensive and nuanced perspective from professionals and scholars from different fields. Type: physical course Course dates: 1 - 5 Sep 2025 Apply...

  2. The deep History of Food - Putting Sustainability into Context

    Agriculture is the most important way of food production, but how did it emerge and become so successful? This course will lead the students through the early stages of agriculture. Besides an overview over its emergence and spread, the course will...

  3. Waste Semiotics: Language, Materiality, Space

    Waste Semiotics offers a transdisciplinary, action-oriented space for bachelor students wanting to investigate the powerful connections between everyday language and communication and one of the most pressing ecological and cultural concerns of our...

Results 1 - 3 of 3