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Dean Lewis is next President of the University of Bordeaux

Dean Lewis was elected as the new president of the University of Bordeaux, largest university in the region ‘Nouvelle Aquitaine’ (60,000 students), on January 24 for a 4-year term.

Professor of electronics, vice-president of the board of directors of the University of Bordeaux from 2014 to 2018 and vice-president in charge of human resources from 2018 to 2022, Dean Lewis succeeds Manuel Tunon de Lara.

He intends to build upon the momentum of his predecessor and has adopted the U30 strategy that the University of Bordeaux has set itself for 2030. However, this ten-year framework "offers degrees of freedom", he says, and will be subject to milestones that may lead to adjustments: to give academic time back to associate professors, to allow all to engage meaningfully with the university project and to accelerate the deployment of the roadmap for environmental and societal transitions at the same time "managing the constraint on employment as well as possible".

Dean Lewis considers that “the main challenges will be to develop ‘made-to-measure’ course offers that focus on student success, to further strengthen inter- or transdisciplinary approaches, responding to societal challenges and that the latter must be well-coordinated with our academic partners, local authorities and the socio-economic world.”

He is particularly keen to emphasize new directions related to environmental and societal transitions: "There are important steps to be taken… on the one hand by mobilizing the university community to respond to the climate emergency, on the other hand by proposing new mechanisms to promote parity, diversity and equality, and finally by defining a global policy dealing with issues of ethics, professional conduct and scientific integrity."

Another of his priorities is to promote the well-being of the university community, both staff and students, in their work and their studies by, but not only, limiting the negative impact of the underfunding of universities, especially regarding payroll.

“I hope to be a president who is accessible, at the service of all the communities that make up the University of Bordeaux, president of a committed university working within society. I hope to combine diligence and compassion in everything I do.”

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