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European Universities Alliances Unite to Create a Joint Community of Practice

European Universities alliances are teaming up for a project called FOR-EU4All. This project is bringing together over 60 current and future European Universities alliances, including ENLIGHT, into a unified group. The idea is to create a collaborative and supportive space where we can all share the best practices and experiences with each other and the broader European Higher Education sector.

As flagships of the European Education Area (EEA) and the European Research Area (ERA), we are creating new and innovative ways for transnational cooperation, aiming to transform European higher education together.

Evolution of the FOR-EU Network

Since the start of the European Universities initiative (EUI), there has been an informal network called the FORum of European Universities (FOR-EU). This network has brought together alliance experts from different countries and institutions to collaborate on important topics like education, governance, research, innovation, and student engagement. With more than 20 subgroups, this network has been a place for coordinators and experts to meet and share ideas. Now, as the EUI continues to grow, it's time to merge all these groups into one and provide the necessary resources to support this growth.

Formalising Collaboration

FOR-EU4All will build on the successful collaboration and expertise of FOR-EU, which ENLIGHT has been a significant part of. It will formalise and scale up the processes that have developed over the past four years, focusing on efficient administration, coordination, communication, and sharing of information. Additionally, FOR-EU4All will strengthen connections with the wider higher education sector, collaborate with existing networks, and engage with decision-makers to discuss achievements and challenges of the EUI. The project's name reflects its mission: we are stronger together. Outreach activities and sharing good practices will help take transnational cooperation in European higher education to the next level.

Commitment to EEA and ERA Objectives

European Universities alliances, including ENLIGHT, are dedicated to helping achieve the EEA and ERA policy goals. By working with stakeholders, this project will address ongoing challenges in transnational collaboration, including joint educational programs, mobility, and digital and research cooperation. FOR-EU4All is committed to working together with relevant stakeholders and policymakers to overcome these challenges and achieve lasting transformation in European higher education.

The FOR-EU4All project has received 1.8 million euros from the European Commission and will run for 48 months, starting on 1 November 2024. The European University Association (EUA), the European Students’ Union (ESU), the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE), and the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) are associated partners in this project.

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