News & Events

Final EDLab webinar: “The road ahead to a European degree: lessons learned from the European Degree Label institutional laboratory"

On 3 April 2024 at 10.00 CET, the EDLab consortium organizes the last webinar in a series of four. The detailed programme can be found here. Registration can be done via the following link.

The main purpose of the event is to provide an overview of EDLab’s activities in the mapping of joint programmes against the draft criteria for the European degree label, the issuing of pilot label certificates to students from identified joint programmes, and the lessons learned from this combined exercise in formulating recommendations on reworked criteria and a potential future labelling exercise. Finally, the webinar will provide insight into the road ahead for the European Degree, as envisioned by the European Commission in the Higher Education Package, allowing for Q&A.

Recordings of the previous webinar are available on the EDLab YouTube Channel.

In early 2023, the European Commission selected six projects, funded through the Erasmus+ programme, to pilot a joint European degree label based on a common set of criteria. The initiative was announced in the European Strategy for Universities and the Council Recommendation on building bridges for effective European higher education cooperation, adopted on 5 April 2022. 

‘EDLab’, short for European Degree Label Institutional Laboratory, is one of the six selected projects: a network of 13 universities and 35 associated partners including European University Alliances, ministries and quality assurance agencies, as well as other organisations, joined forces to further the implementation of European and international joint programmes and the European degree label. 

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