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Comenius on ENLIGHT Tour

Between 2 and 6 October 2023, Vice-Rector for International Relations Jozef Tancer from Comenius University (CU) and representatives of a number of Comenius University faculties visited three ENLIGHT partner universities. During their visits CU representatives sought ways of broadening the cooperation among universities.

Comenius University representatives met their colleagues from Ghent University in Belgium, the University of Groningen in the Netherlands and the University of Göttingen in Germany. They spoke to members of management, deans and ENLIGHT coordinators to find ways of developing cooperation in the areas of research and teaching. Comenius faculties and organisation of study were presented to the partners and the discussions focussed on possible joint master and doctoral programmes, exchange study stays and research projects, as well as research cooperation.

 "In Göttingen we visited the teaching and simulation hospital of the University Medical Centre Göttingen, with whom we would like to collaborate on new methods of medical training as part of the ENLIGHT consortium. We outlined areas of research where it might be possible to form joint doctoral study programmes," Vice-dean of CU’s Faculty of Medicine Daniela Ostatníková clarified which activities her faculty plans to develop in the next period of inter-university cooperation.

Vice-rector of the Comenius University, Jozef Tancer was accompanied during the official visits by Vice-dean Daniela Ostatníková, the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Ján Klimas, Vice-dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences Mariana Kováčová, Vice-dean of the Faculty of Management Lucia Vilčeková and Vice-dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Róbert Jajcay. At partner universities the delegation was shown specialised research centres, campuses of faculties and one of the most renowned and venerable university campuses in the Netherlands, the Zernike campus in Groningen.

"As a member of ENLIGHT, we are developing the first grant call for teaching and research cooperation projects, to be announced in the spring of 2024. I believe that visits of partner universities like this one will contribute towards building contacts and forming work teams that will use the upcoming grant scheme," said Vice-rector Tancer.

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