In addition to the ENLIGHT calls several ENLIGHT universities launch specific calls in their university communities targeting specific activities. These calls have different modalities and deadlines. Please find below the specific open calls per ENLIGHT university.
Ghent University
Ghent University intends to support joint cooperation activities in research between Ghent University and two or more of the nine other ENLIGHT universities. In the framework of this call, Ghent University intends to support the organization, creation and exploration of joint research initiatives for developing (new) activities within the ENLIGHT network. The aim is to stimulate Ghent University researchers to work together with colleagues across the ENLIGHT network. This call is funded by the Flemish Government Department of Economy, Science & Innovation.
Who can apply?
Staff members (including doctoral researchers) of Ghent University.
Disciplinary field
The call is open to proposals from any disciplinary field.
Activities eligible for funding
The present call is targeted at
- The development stage of joint research activities, i.e. the initiation, design and/or development of one (or more) joint research proposals to be submitted to regional, national or international funding agencies including the Horizon Europe framework programme;
- The creation or further enhancement of research links between UGent and the ENLIGHT partner universities;
- Young researchers (doctoral researchers, post-docs) who wish to spend a (not result-related) period at an ENLIGHT partner to investigate the partners’ approach on their field of research and/or wish to explore non-existent possibilities of collaboration.
Eligible for funding in the field of research are:
- R.1. Outgoing mobility for early career researchers (PhD researchers, post-docs and early career tenure tracks) for a period of max. 3 months (prolongable once for a maximum period of 3 months) for a research visit at one of the 8 ENLIGHT partners. The grant can also be used for short stays (e.g. attend workshops, scientific meetings and seminars, courses and trainings Doctoral Schools of an ENLIGHT partner, etc.) The grant covers the exact travel expenses (based on proven expenditure and in line to the sustainable travel policy of Ghent University, topped with a fixed allowance of € 50,- per day of the applied for and accepted time spent at the ENLIGHT partner.
- R.2. Outgoing short mobility for joint ENLIGHT research collaboration efforts. This grant is intended for UGent staff and PhD and postdoctoral researchers who wish to participate in a meeting organized by one of the ENLIGHT partners to (further) discuss the opportunities to set up new, or enlarge already existing, research collaborations amongst ENLIGHT partners. This mobility grant covers the travel expenses of the applicant based on proven expenditure and in line to the sustainable travel policy of Ghent University with a maximum of €1.000. Only the mobility costs (travel and subsistence) of the applicant are eligible.
- R.3. Organization of joint meetings or workshops at the premises of Ghent University which are linked to the development of joint PhD programmes, the preparation of new research project proposals for external funding and/or the deepening of existing joint research collaborations between Ghent University and at least 2 other ENLIGHT partners. A maximum funding of €2.500 can be applied for. Eligible costs include the organizational costs (venue, catering,.. ) in Ghent. Funding is based on proven expenditures.
Co-funding requirements
As a rule for joint ENLIGHT activities the ‘sending’ university accounts for the funding of travel and accommodation of the own outgoing staff (including PhD and postdoctoral researchers) while the host university accounts for any organizational costs of the activity applied for.
Partner requirements
The integration of a minimum of three ENLIGHT partners (including UGent) in the proposal is required for proposals aiming at the organization of joint ENLIGHT activities.
The call is open on a permanent basis until 15 March 2025. Evaluations of proposals will be done on 15/09/2024, 15/12/2024, 15/03/2024. The funded mobilities/activities must all be concluded by April 30th, 2025
The selection of proposals will be based on following criteria:
- Accordance with the overall ENLIGHT objective of transforming learning and teaching (see website and mission statement)
- Feasibility
- Innovative character
- Sustainability
- Role of the applicant in the project
The selection commission will consist of the Director of research, the head of Research Coordination Office and the ENLIGHT RISE project manager.
How to apply?
Applications are made on the basis of the designated form and sent as a PDF-document to
The document should be named as follows:
[Research] - surname_MainApplicant_name_MainApplicant_ENLIGHT_RISE-application
Awardees of an “R.1 Outgoing mobility for early career researchers” grant wishing to apply for a one-time prolongation of their grant (for a maximum of 3 months) should send a motivated request by mail to
Within one month after the end of the funded activity, a short report (max. 1A4), signed by the main applicant, together with the proven expenditure, must be sent electronically to
Uppsala University
Would you like to expand your international network or do you have an activity that you would like to develop along with new or excisting contacts within the ENLIGHT-network?
The purpose of this call is to increase contact, on all levels, between the universities in the ENLIGHT-network and to encourage joint activities within education, research or collaborations.
All employees at Uppsala University may apply for funds of up to 50 000 SEK.
- In your application you will need to provide a short description of how the funds will be used and who you plan to collaborate with. Funds may be used for, for example, travel, coordination of meetings, shadowing/benchmarking, student activities etc. These funds do not cover indirect costs (OH)
- Activities should include one or more people from at least one partner in the ENLIGHT network, other than Uppsala University. Funds can only be used for staff at either of the ENLIGHT-universities.
- The funds will be paid out to the organisational unit where the main applicant is employed.
- The activity should be completed within twelve months from approval.
- If the proposed activity can be funded by other means, such as Erasmus Staff Training, you may be asked to apply for funding from these existing calls.
Applications are accepted continuously up to 31 October 2027. Use this form for your application.
Send your application with attachments to the ENLIGHT Academic Coordinator for your scientific domain:
- Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences: Martha Middlemiss Lé Mon
- Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy: Erik Olsson
- Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology: Mikael Jonsson
Applications are evaluated by the internal steering committee at Uppsala University for ENLIGHT. In the evaluation the committee will consider:
- the potential of the proposed activity to contribute to stronger contacts between partner universities within the ENLIGHT-network.
- the overall quality and feasibility of the proposal.
After the proposed activity has been completed a short report of maximum one A4 should be submitted to the ENLIGHT-coordinator at
If you would like help to get into contact with people from the ENLIGHT network our academic coordinators may be of help.