Open Science

ENLIGHT RISE and Arqus Alliance Ambassador Webinar Series on Open Science

Find here more information on the joint Open Science Webinar Series

The webinar series is organized by Birgit Schmidt, Inge Van Nieuwerburgh, Liisi Lembinen, Merle Schatz (all ENLIGHT RISE) and Pia Voigt (Arqus Alliance).

OS Webinar masterpad
OS Webinar on Youtube:


6th ENLIGHT RISE and Arqus Alliance Open Science Ambassador Webinar

The sixth ENLIGHT RISE and Arqus Alliance Open Science Ambassador Webinar takes place on 4 November 2024, 10:00-11:30 (CET) 

Open Educational Resources and their relation to Open Science - presentation by Sascha Eckhold (Freie Universität Berlin)

According to UNESCO, Open Educational Resources are “learning, teaching and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or are under copyright that have been released under an open license, that permit no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, adaptation and redistribution by others”. In this webinar we will talk about the idea and purposes of OER and how they can be created and distributed. Furthermore we will reflect on the relation of OER and Open Science as fluid and partly overlapping concepts

For further information follow the link


5th ENLIGHT RISE and Arqus Alliance Open Science Ambassador Webinar

The fifth ENLIGHT RISE and Arqus Alliance Open Science Ambassador Webinar took place on 2 September 2024, 10:00-11:30 (CET) 

The Irrelevance of Non-Reproducible Research - a  presentation by Erivelton Nepomuceno

Open Science promotes transparency and accessibility in research, facilitating replication and further exploration of findings. Reproducibility is a fundamental element, ensuring scientific reliability and advancement. However, this open approach often clashes with intellectual property concerns, revealing a tension between open access and proprietary rights. In a utopian scenario, universities could evolve into “free patent places,” where research is published openly, thereby maximizing public benefit and societal progress.

For further information follow the link:


4th ENLIGHT RISE and Arqus Alliance Open Science Ambassador Webinar

The fourth ENLIGHT RISE and Arqus Alliance Open Science Ambassador Webinar took place on 10 June 2024, 10:00-11:30 (CET) 

Charting Paths in Open Science: The AGAPE Story - a short presentation by Nina Trubanová

Embark on a journey with us as we recount our experiences navigating the realm of open science. Beginning with our serendipitous encounter, we found ourselves immersed in the ethos of open science and the wonderful opportunities and challenges it brings. Inspired by this experience, we founded AGAPE - a community dedicated to promoting open science among students and early career researchers. Join us as we share our story of discovery, getting lost, and ultimately finding our path within the open science community, and learn how AGAPE strives to be a beacon of inclusivity and support for open science enthusiasts.

For further information follow the link:


3rd ENLIGHT RISE and Arqus Alliance Open Science Ambassador Webinar

Our third ENLIGHT RISE and Arqus Alliance Open Science Ambassador Webinar took place on 29 April 2024, 10:00-11:30 (CET).

Pablo Garcia, Professor of Computer Science, University of Granada (Arqus Alliance) will be talking about Open Source Software and Open Licenses - A practical approach.

What is the relation between Open Science and Software Licenses? What is the difference between Free Software and Open Source? Which process should I follow to share my software? In this presentation, we will demystify various software licenses, ranging from permissive ones like MIT and Apache to copyleft licenses such as the GNU General Public License (GPL). We will demonstrate how the choice of a particular license can influence the accessibility, distribution, and reuse of scientific software, highlighting the pivotal connection between open-source licensing and the principles of Open Science.

You are warmly invited to find more information here:


2nd ENLIGHT RISE and Arqus Alliance Open Science Ambassador Webinar on 28 February 2024

Presentation by Richèl Bilderbeek on “The pros and cons of Open Science as discussed in the Uppsala local OS community.”

“Open Science is just science done right”. This is a slogan one sometimes hears at the local Open Science community in Uppsala, called OSU. Most OSU visitors do think Open Science leads to better-in-some-way science. And we know that it is hard to be critical on something most of us prefer so much. We do, however, try to remain critical and ask questions such as: ‘Is it worth it?’. In this webinar, Richèl Bilderbeek talks about some of the pros and cons of Open Science and the Uppsala community.

Following on from this, we want to discuss further experiences of the pros and cons of Open Science within both alliances.

Please find here further information and the registration link


First ENLIGHT RISE and Arqus Alliance Open Science Ambassador Webinar on 13 December 2023

Our first webinar took place on 13 December 2023, from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM (CET), where Pia Voigt (Co-lead of the work package “Open Science Agenda” in Arqus RI, Leipzig University) presented on Open Science practices and challenges in a European university alliance.

Open Science practices promote transparency, reusability, (interdisciplinary) cooperation and the improvement of research quality and credibility, with the ultimate goal of facilitaiting the exchange of and access to (scientific) knowledge. These practices often involve the use of open-source tools, open sharing of research data, providing open access to research outcomes, utilizing open educational resources, and transparent peer review procedures. Despite the numerous benefits, the integration of Open Science into everyday research and education often proves challenging and is so far only selectively adopted within specific research domains. What factors contribute to this discrepancy and how to deal with them?

In this webinar we discussed experiences and best practices as well as challenges, and how these might be overcome.

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