Community Challenges

Air quality – qualité de l’air

ENLIGHT challenge : How can the monitoring of air quality be carried out precisely? How can this inform local decision-making? And development of sustainable development policies?

Qualité de l'air- Air Quality 

This challenge is concerned with air quality and climate change across the Bordeaux metropolitan area and the municipalities covering the extensive campus area. It will involve the installation of sensors, data collection and analysis.

The objective is to set up an experimental observatory, a multidisciplinary and participatory demonstrator, in connection with air quality bringing together all disciplines related to the issues of pollution, sustainable development, climate change and more broadly global change: physics, chemistry, life sciences, ecology, law, economics, sociology.

Lead researcher: Eric Villenave

The University of Bordeaux regional academy partners:

Bordeaux Métropôle in connection with  relevant labs, associations and stakeholders – Climate Kic, Futurs-ACT, CITEPA, ATMO Nouvelle-Aquitaine, AtmoTrack, Plume Labs, AirLib.


    Practical Details

    Hosting organization: Bordeaux métropole
    Community: Bordeaux
    Focus Area: Digitalisation, Climate Change
    Type of activity: Challenge based education
    Tags: Digitalisation, Climate Change