Effective Supervision of PhD Candidates

Effective Supervision of PhD Candidates



Are you supervising PhD candidates and do you want to learn the art and science of this challenging role, and exchange best practices with supervisors from other universities? Join us between Monday March 31 and Wednesday April 2, 2025 in the beautiful town of Groningen in the north of the Netherlands for a 3-day course on Effective PhD supervision.

Under the guidance of trainers, psychologists and experts, you will improve the skills you need for the important and challenging role of supervisor, guide and coach of PhD candidates, no matter whether you are new to this role, or whether you already have experience. You will also be equipped to share your learning with your colleagues once you are back at your own institution.

During interactive and experiential sessions we will address, among other, the following topics:

  • How to guide the PhD candidate throughout the whole trajectory, from selection, to clarification of roles and expectations, to the management of the research project, through all the phases, up to the defense of the thesis and beyond.
  • How to establish a relationship of trust and collaboration with the PhD candidate, provide feedback, and give support during the difficult moments and situations of stress.
  • How to choose the right supervision strategy, depending on the situation and need of the PhD candidate.
  • How to support your own personal and professional development and become a role model for your candidate.

You will have valuable opportunities for knowledge exchange, learning from one another, and actively engaging in enriching discussions.

Dates and format

Training dates 31 March - 2 April 2025
Application deadline  27th January 2025
Format and length 3 days on-site

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