News & Events

ENLIGHT Students Explore Innovative Teaching Methods and Create 'School of the Future' Podcast in Göttingen

As part of the BIP "Teacher Education Plus 2024", which took place at the University of Göttingen from 26.5. to 01.06.2024, ten students from ENLIGHT partner universities—including Göttingen, Galway, Tartu, Bratislava, and Groningen—delved into innovative teaching and learning methodologies. The program featured workshops on a range of topics such as podcast production, digital pedagogy, and the integration of AI in schools. Participants also visited two ZEWIL partner schools in Göttingen.

The program concluded with the production of a podcast series called "School of the Future", created in partnership with Stadtradio Göttingen. This series is scheduled to air on Saturday, June 8, 2014, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Stadtradio Göttingen. For more information, please visit the event page on the Stadtradio Göttingen website.

This event was the second BIP hosted at ZEWIL. Additionally, in August, ZEWIL will offer its students an international summer school focused on inclusion. This program will once again welcome students from our partner universities. For more information, please visit the ZEWIL website.

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