News & Events

Student Network Bootcamp in Groningen (12-14 July 2024)

The first edition of the ENLIGHT Student Network Bootcamp took place from 12 to 14 July at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands.

The bootcamp began with a tour, allowing all participating students to explore the university's historical buildings. Following the tour, students engaged in a networking workshop where they learnt how to effectively build connections, an essential skill for their professional roles, which often involve collaboration with various individuals. They also practiced personal introductions and presentation techniques. The day concluded with a dinner, providing an opportunity for both new and existing members of our Student Network to get to know each other better.

The second day started with workshops by our colleagues from the University of Groningen, first one on the history and organisation of the alliance led by Nati Mansilla Ovejero, ENLIGHT Project Manager, and followed by a workshop focused on enhancing the ENLIGHT experience for students led by Jonathan Greggain-Mohr, Education Coordinator and ENLIGHT Policy Advisor. Participants then enjoyed a lunch walk together, during which they discovered the library in Groningen. The afternoon was filled with student-led workshops. The first, led by Adnan El Kharbotly, a former President of the Student Board and a graduate from the University of Groningen, focused on understanding the economics and budget of ENLIGHT. The second workshop, led by Adrian Binka, Community Head of Student Board from Comenius University in Bratislava, discussed organising local events and potential initiatives. The day ended with a networking session, featuring a quiz and a game of Werewolves, a favorite among our Student Network.

On the third day, after an enjoyable breakfast together, participants bid farewell and headed home.

A huge thanks to the students and colleagues at the University of Groningen, and also the Student Board, who all did a great job in organising the bootcamp. We look forward to the next edition!

2024 SN Bootcamp Groningen city small

In the picture above, you can see the city of Groningen and in the picture below are the participants of the Student Network Bootcamp, from the top left: Edgard, Adnan, Alina, Jeffrey, Marija, Herman, Anette-Mai, Kirke, Clara, Lukas, Linda, Adrian, Sara, Julen and Tripti, representing almost all ENLIGHT partner universities.

2024 SN Bootcamp Groningen small

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