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Innovative synthetic biology

At Uppsala University, we have organized teams for international student competition in synthetic biology, iGEM ( since 2009. The activity is run as a course "Project in Laboratory Synthetic biology" 15 credits, with the main part taking part during the Summer semester. We also offer a course "International Summer School in Synthetic biology" 5 credits. We would love to form a network within ENLIGHT to share experiences and discuss possibilities for development.

Tags: Biotechnology

Please contact me to discuss this, whether you are experienced "iGEM"-er or new to this field: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Practical Details

    Disciplinary field: Biotechnology
    Institution: Uppsala University
    Faculty/Department: Department of Biology Education
    First and last name: Margareta Krabbe
    Position: Senior Lecturer

    Tags: Biotechnology