News & Events

Global Engagement & Empowerment Forum on Sustainable Development (4-5 Feb. 2021)

The Global Engagement and Empowerment Forum (GEEF) is organized by ENLIGHT's associated partner Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens and is co-hosted with Yonsei University's Institute of Global Engagement & Empowerment (IGEE) and the Ban Ki-moon Foundation for a Better Future in Seoul.

ENLIGHT Student Network elects the first Student Board

On Tuesday 26th of February the student representatives of all nine ENLIGHT universities elected the first  Student Board. The Student Board takes the lead of the ENLIGHT Student Network through their first term in history.

Metin Tolan is next President of the University of Göttingen

The physicist Professor Metin Tolan will become the next President of the University of Göttingen. The Senate of the University unanimously agreed this decision today. The University Foundation Committee also approved this proposal unanimously. Tolan succeeds Professor Reinhard Jahn, who held the office until 31 December 2020. Since that time, full-time Vice-President Dr. Valérie Schüller has been Acting President of the University on an interim basis. Tolan's term of office is expected to begin in the spring.

Anders Hagfeldt: Solar cell researcher and new Vice-Chancellor of Uppsala University

On 19 November the Swedish government formally appointed Professor Anders Hagfeldt as new Vice-Chancellor of Uppsala University.

Eva Ferreira, Rector of the University of the Basque Country takes office

On January 25th 2021, Eva Ferreira was formally appointed Rector of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).

Handbook for Developing Virtual Classrooms published

Between 2017 and 2020, Uppsala University and the University of Groningen work together in the Erasmus+ project LISTO: Latin American and European Cooperation on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The consortium of universities from Sweden, Netherlands, Spain, Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina worked with practical tools for university-industry relations and entrepreneurial universities, and developed an International Virtual Classroom for entrepreneurship education.

MOOC "Understanding EU-Russia Relations" (Tartu)

The MOOC "Understanding EU-Russia Relations: Foreign Policy Actors, Institutions and Policy-Making" (2 ECTS) at the University of Tartu is open for registration. The registration deadline is 4 February 2021 at 22:59 (CET). The course is free of charge and fully online, running on the Moodle platform of the University of Tartu from 8 February to 14 March, 2021. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be able to receive a digital certificate from the University of Tartu, which is worth 2 ECTS.

ENLIGHT Network Language and Intercultural Virtual Exchange (ENLIVE)

The Espace Langues, a centre for language learning andintercultural exchange at the University of Bordeaux, invites ENLIGHT students to join our virtual exchange for Spring 2021.

Illicit Trade online Winter School (Groningen, 25-29 January 2021)

After a series of highly successful summer schools, ITG offers an online winter school from 25-29 January 2021. The winter school includes academic and practical learning about illicit finance, trafficking, and trade, and expert examination into strategies and practices about how to combat illicit trade.

1st Göttingen Call for Applications in ENLIGHT

To support joint activities between the nine ENLIGHT universities in the area of education and research, the University of Göttingen will fund with support of the DAAD and BMBF different mobility schemes for affiliates of the University of Göttingen and its ENLIGHT partners, as well as resources for the organisation and implementation of learning formats and other events that are part of the ENLIGHT portfolio.

Please note that only researchers, staff and PhD students from the University of Göttingen (incl. University Medical Center Göttingen) can apply.

Deadline for application is 15. February 2021. Calls will be published twice a year, a second call will be launched in May 2021.

All proposed projects must be thematically linked to one of the ENLIGHT challenges or other ENLIGHT focus areas. The integration of a minimum of three ENLIGHT partners in the proposal is required.

You can apply for the following funding schemes:  

ENLIGHT European University Kick-off Week (1-5 March 2021)

Meet ENLIGHT, a new European University Alliance! Nine diverse universities, shaping the education of the future!

ENLIGHT will host a virtual kick-off week with several public sessions: inspiring keynotes, exciting lectures, a roundtable, virtual thematic networking, a cultural session and student perspectives! The ENLIGHT consortium was selected in the frame of “European Universities", the EC’s pilot program for new multilateral networks. ENLIGHT stands for 'European University Network to promote quality of life, sustainability & global engagement through Higher Education Transformation'. It unites nine universities: the Basque Country (ES), Bordeaux (FR), Bratislava (SK), Galway (IE), Göttingen (DE), Groningen (NL), Tartu (EE), Uppsala (SE) and Ghent (BE). Over the next three years ENLIGHT will focus on five themes to pilot new learning formats: climate change, health and well-being, inequality, digital revolution, energy and circularity. In the long term ENLIGHT wants to create an open space between the nine universities for learning, teaching and working together. Save the date!

First EC Webinar 'European Universities - first and second call' (4 November 2020)

The rectors of the European University Alliance ENLIGHT our looking forward to participate in a kick off webinar for rectors of the 24 European Universities Alliances that were selected under the second call of the European University Initiative, which is hosted by the European Commission on 4 November 2020.