News & Events

6th Session ENLIGHT webinar series: discussing diversity, inclusion and racism (14 April)

This webinar series provides an interactive platform to discuss and exchange best practices and develop initiatives that foster diversity and encourage global citizenship.The sessions are open to staff and students of all ENLIGHT partners as well as their respective local communities. 

The 6th session of the webinar series focuses on 'Diversity and Discrimation: From Recognition to Consideration'  The session is hosted by the University of Bordeaux and will take place on 14 April (16h00-18h00 CET). Register for the zoom session!

Support activities for Ukrainian students and academics at ENLIGHT universities

All ENLIGHT universities have set up specific actions to support academics and students affected by the war in Ukraine. This page lists the most important actions per partner. 

Enlight/U4 Ancient World Winter School 2022

The University of Tartu organizes the Enlight/U4 Ancient World Winter School 2022 in collaboration with the universities of Göttingen, Groningen, Ghent and Uppsala. 

Joint statement from the 41 alliances in support to Ukraine

We, the 41 Alliances of European Universities, representing about 300 European Higher Education institutions, stand together and send our strongest solidarity to the Ukrainian people after the Russian Government’s attack. We also strongly condemn the bombardment of Kharkiv National University. Our Alliances have been built on a shared vision of a welcoming and peaceful Europe: we urge all stakeholders to restore peace, democracy and respect of human rights in Ukraine.

Many of our Alliances have partners located in the Ukraine region: they have started to host Ukrainian refugees, including members of the Ukrainian academic community. In solidarity, other Alliances’ partners are setting up mechanisms to support them (fundraising, supply of basic goods, scholarships, etc.).

True to the European values of human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law, and human rights, our Alliances will remain inclusive to all students and academics and will continue to provide support to all who are affected by this tragic situation.

Selected Topics in the Theories of Gravity Lecture course at University of Tartu, spring 2022

The advanced lecture course "Selected topics in the theories of gravity" is given once in several years, with the focus changing each time according to the interests of the staff and students. While last year the course focused on treating astrophysical objects like black holes and stars in different extensions of general relativity, this year the emphasis is more on understanding the logic behind constructing a theory and checking its characteristics like the number of degrees of freedom and presence or absence of various instabilities. The specialized aspect of the course is to introduce non-Riemannian geometry and some important theories based on it. We will discuss how they differ from their GR counterparts, thus touching a cutting edge of research. In the end of June there will be MaffGrav2022 workshop in Tartu, and the topics of the course are envisioned to help to prepare for and benefit from the workshop.

Former Rector of the University of Groningen nominated for the Council at the University of Tartu

Elmer Sterken, Professor of Monetary Economics and former Rector of the University of Groningen has been nominated as member of the Council of the University of Tartu for five years.

Erasmus + agreement was signed between the 9 universities of the ENLIGHT network

The multilateral Erasmus+ agreement will enable ENLIGHT students from all disciplines to go on student mobility to any of the ENLIGHT universities. The agreement allows both traditional semester-long mobility and as well as short-term mobility within the framework of blended intensive programmes (BIP). This short-term mobility within BIPs will very soon be used by students participating in the Global Engagement Module (GEM), and the courses of Climate-neutral city and Artificial Intelligence for non-IT students, all taking place in the spring semester 2022.

NUI Galway, this year's host of the UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre 10th Biennial International Conference 9-10th June 2022

Registration Now Open - UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre 10th Biennial International Conference 9-10th June 2022

The current generation of youth is coming of age in a period of unprecedented global change, due to the combined effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, technological developments, migration and globalisation. In this conference, we aim to reflect on trends, challenges and options for the current and future experiences of young people. Our core question is how can policy and practice strengthen youth agency, inclusion and development in a rapidly changing world? The conference will draw on international and national expertise and evidence. Provisional themes and topics to be addressed in keynote presentations and parallel sessions will include mental health and wellbeing, relationships and belonging, youth participation and activism, technology, diversity and inclusion and youth work.

NUI Galway Receives Government funding for Participation in ENLIGHT

NUI Galway has welcomed government support for our participation in the ENLIGHT University Alliance, which will increase opportunities for students and staff to study, learn and work across Europe. The funding of almost €445,000 from the Higher Education Authority (HEA) to progress the new pan-European teaching, learning and research initiative over the next two and half years.

NUI Galway Vice President International, Professor Becky Whay said: “The ENLIGHT alliance exemplifies NUI Galway’s commitment to openness and diversity in our University, creating opportunities for students and staff, as well as for our renowned western region.

Our partnership in a European University Network puts us at the forefront of designing models for cross European collaboration, education, research and growth.”

This funding support from the HEA is critical to our ability to optimise the advantages that membership of this alliance opens up for us - for our students who wish to travel and learn throughout Europe and for our staff who wish to partner with fellow academics and professional services.”

NUI Galway President and current chair of the ENLIGHT Alliance, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh said: “NUI Galway is delighted with this Government support to strengthen our participation in the ENLIGHT alliance.

“All nine of the universities in ENLIGHT are based outside of capital cities which gives us a particular perspective on the world and community.

Together, we are regional drivers of development, working closely to tackle societal challenges and see international ambition as a means of maximising regional impact.  At NUI Galway, we serve our region best - and respect it - by being open to the highest standards of excellence and co-operation. Securing Government support for ENLIGHT will afford us and our students and staff the opportunity to learn collectively, to excel and to address shared challenges consistent with our values as a university community.”

NUI Galway Proud Partners in MIT Innovators Under 35 Europe

Innovators Under 35 is an annual list that recognises outstanding innovators who are younger than 35. The awards span a wide range of fields, including biotechnology, materials, computer hardware, energy, transportation, communications, and the Internet.

We are searching for individuals from around Europe whose superb technical work promises to shape the coming decades. Our goal is to recognise the development of new technology or the creative application of existing technologies to solve the world’s biggest problems. We reward ingenious and elegant work that matters to the world at large—not just to peers in a particular field or industry.

This year’s IU35 Europe festival of innovation will take place in Gaoth Dobhair, Ireland, on 19-21 May 2022 when we will celebrate young European visionaries pursuing the same objective: innovation, ingenuity, and advances toward addressing the world’s most pressing challenges.

You can submit a nomination here. Competition closes 31 March 2022.


Dean Lewis is next President of the University of Bordeaux

Dean Lewis was elected as the new president of the University of Bordeaux, largest university in the region ‘Nouvelle Aquitaine’ (60,000 students), on January 24 for a 4-year term.

Professor of electronics, vice-president of the board of directors of the University of Bordeaux from 2014 to 2018 and vice-president in charge of human resources from 2018 to 2022, Dean Lewis succeeds Manuel Tunon de Lara.

He intends to build upon the momentum of his predecessor and has adopted the U30 strategy that the University of Bordeaux has set itself for 2030. However, this ten-year framework "offers degrees of freedom", he says, and will be subject to milestones that may lead to adjustments: to give academic time back to associate professors, to allow all to engage meaningfully with the university project and to accelerate the deployment of the roadmap for environmental and societal transitions at the same time "managing the constraint on employment as well as possible".

Dean Lewis considers that “the main challenges will be to develop ‘made-to-measure’ course offers that focus on student success, to further strengthen inter- or transdisciplinary approaches, responding to societal challenges and that the latter must be well-coordinated with our academic partners, local authorities and the socio-economic world.”

He is particularly keen to emphasize new directions related to environmental and societal transitions: "There are important steps to be taken… on the one hand by mobilizing the university community to respond to the climate emergency, on the other hand by proposing new mechanisms to promote parity, diversity and equality, and finally by defining a global policy dealing with issues of ethics, professional conduct and scientific integrity."

Another of his priorities is to promote the well-being of the university community, both staff and students, in their work and their studies by, but not only, limiting the negative impact of the underfunding of universities, especially regarding payroll.

“I hope to be a president who is accessible, at the service of all the communities that make up the University of Bordeaux, president of a committed university working within society. I hope to combine diligence and compassion in everything I do.”

ENLIGHT Lecture: „Migration & Climate Change”, March 9, 6 pm CET

On March 9th at 6pm, the next ENLIGHT Lecture will be hosted and livestreamed online. The fifth session of this semesters’ ENLIGHT Lecture series explores connection the connection between Climate Change and Migration as a growing number of natural disasters, extreme heat and drought will turn climate change into the most common cause of forced migration within the 21st century.