News & Events

Webinar: From Fossil Fuels to Renewable Energy: Trade and Investment Options

On 7 June between 11:00 and 15:00 (CEST), the Institute of International and European Law will be hosting a webinar entitled “From Fossil Fuels to Renewable Energy: Trade and Investment Options - defining the research agenda after COP26, the IPCC Reports and OECD Discussions”.
To effectively combat climate change, big and small reforms are necessary to the current trade and investment systems, both of which often take central stage in discussions on environmental protection.

ReConnect China: ENLIGHT Horizon2020 project selected

Recently the ReConnect China project of which the ENLIGHT partner universities Ghent University, University of Tartu, and University of Groningen are member has been selected for funding under the Horizon Europe framework (HORIZON-CL2-2021-TRANSFORMATIONS-01-07).

ENLIGHT Lecture: „Equity & Education”, May 11, 6 pm CET

On May 11th at 6pm, this semesters’ first ENLIGHT lecture will be hosted and livestreamed online. This session explores the importance of equity in education ranging from stages of early education, the transitional period between high school and tertiary education and unequal prospects of success in academia. The lecture "Equity & Education" takes place in framework of European Universities Week.

Online workshop on best practices of Research and Support Offices (22 April)

The online workshop on best practices of Research and Support Offices (RSOs) will take place on the 22 of April 2022. This workshop builds on the results of the benchmarking report of good practices on RSOs - a deliverable led by the University of Groningen (RUG) together with the University of Bordeaux (UBx) and the University of Tartu (UT).

Conference "Museums as Spaces of Cultural Translation and Transfer" (Tartu, 10-11 May 2022)

The Department of Translation Studies at the UT College of Foreign Languages and Cultures is orgnizing in collaboration with ENLIGHT partner Ghent University an international conference on „Museums as Spaces of Cultural Translation and Transfer“. The conference is taking place on 10-11 May in Tartu.

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships at UBx, RUG, UGent

Several partners have launched expression of interest for the next round of MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships.

UG Education Festival 2022 - Making Connections for Quality Education

The UG Education Festival will take place from 4 to 8 April 2022. We invite all ENLIGHT partners to join us in a full week of mostly online lectures, panel discussions, workshops and videos.

Tartu International Conference "Privacy, Data Protection and New Technologies (June 16-17 2022)

Tartu University School of Law welcomes everyone to an international conference on the topic of "Privacy, Data Protection and New Technologies" in Tallinn on June 16-17 2022!

 The conference will examine whether and how today's European Union concept of personal data protection is compatible with the development of new technologies (eg blockhain, artificial intelligence or maintenance robots) and how to ensure the protection of personal data as a fundamental right in an increasingly automated world.

All nine ENLIGHT cities applied – "EU Mission Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities"

On 25 November 2021, the Commission launched a Call for Expression of Interest addressed to cities to join the European Mission on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities.

377 cities from all over Europe have expressed their interests. With Bratislava, Bordeaux, Galway, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Ghent, Göttingen, Groningen, Tartu, and Uppsala all nine ENLIGHT cities have applied, which shows the strong commitment of ENLIGHT and their partners to tackle climate change.

Workshop “Göttingen Intercultural Connections”

Are you planning to come to Göttingen University in Germany?, or would you like to network with students from Göttingen University? Then the virtual exchange “Göttingen Intercultural Connections” is just right for you!

A new public online lecture series at University of Tartu

A new public online lecture series “Mobility analysis and planning for human-scale cities” arranged by the Mobility Lab, Department of Geography has started.