News & Events

ENLIGHT Mid-year Meeting, June 15-17

The National University of Ireland, Galway hosted the ENLIGHT mid-year Meeting from June 15th – 17th, 2022.  There were 100 attendees including Rectors, Directors, Student Network and the work package leading teams of academic leaders and coordinators of both the Erasmus+ and the RISE project communities.

ENLIGHT RISE – Research and Innovation Agenda with and for Society started in September 2021, and the mid-year meeting provided the opportunity to bring both Erasmus+ and RISE communities together.

ENLIGHT at EAIE 2022 in Barcelona

EAIE Conference (14-16 September 2022)

ENLIGHT Lecture: „Equity & Society”, July 13, 6 pm CET

On July 13th at 6pm, this semesters’ second ENLIGHT lecture will be hosted and livestreamed online. This session explores the importance of equity in society ranging from migration and politics of integration over diversity in the schoolbooks to global citizenship education.

Online workshop on best practices of Research and Support Offices (22 April 2022)

The online workshop on best practices of Research and Support Offices (RSOs) took place on the 22 of April 2022 and counted with the participation of support staffs of the nine institutions.

R&I Workshop “The evaluation of research and researchers”: registration and agenda

© Ghent University, Christophe Vandereecken

Don´t miss the opportunity to participate in the ENLIGHT innovative and exciting courses and learn more about ENLIGHT's 9 partner universities!

Check-out & listen to the ENLIGHT student testimonials collected during the first editions of the Interdisciplinary Study of the Climate Neutral City, AI for non-IT students and Global Engagement Module courses that took place in Spring 2022 to understand what the ENLIGHT challenge-based courses are all about and see how the ENLIGHT students showcase their 9 universities.

BILBAO as the background to the vision statement.

The directors and the Strategy System group members recently met in Bilbao with a view to discuss and progress toward a common vision for ENLIGHT as a stable Alliance.

After a much valued dialogue, the discussions will continue in the mid-year meeting to be held in Galway in June, where the Governing Board will be informed of the main achievements attained so far; on the outline for the next application; and on the longterm vision options for the consortium.

Enlight Digital Campus development is in full swing

At the end of June, a meeting of the Digital Campus Working Group took place in Tartu. The aim of the meeting  was to discuss all the issues that have arisen during the development of the digital campus at the partner universities.

The digital campus gives the student the opportunity to get acquainted with the ENLIGHT network courses offered by ENLIGHT partner universities and to receive instructions on how to apply for the desired course. In addition it is very welcome and long awaited in the ENLIGHT network because it helps to create a single system between nine ENLIGHT universities, where finding likeable courses will become easier and more convenient.

Welcome to the upcoming Uppsala Health Summit, October 25-26th

Welcome to the upcoming Uppsala Health Summit, October 25-26th at Uppsala Castle in Sweden. Food lies at the heart of both health and sustainable development, yet our current food systems are “making us ill, driving climatic change and undermining the health of ecosystems and the essential services on which our health and well-being depend" (WHO). COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine have made matters worse and sparked a global food crisis. As always, it is the most marginalized and excluded who are the hardest hit. This Summit will focus on the next steps needed to make the shift towards sustainable, equitable food systems that can deliver better health outcomes.

Uppsala Health Summit is an annual international arena that brings together a unique mix of participants from industry, civil society, academia and the public sector. Around 200 participants are invited to the meeting, and the participants are experts, policymakers and other ‘stakeholders’ in the field who come from all over the world, including low- and middle-income countries. At the Summit we will discuss policy and evidence-based implementation regarding food systems across scientific disciplines and sector boundaries, in both workshops and plenary sessions. You can read about our nine workshops here

Your contribution will make a difference! We hope you would like to join us for an engaging summit of dialogue with colleagues from around the world. Sign up and let us know of your interest in participating. For more information and updates visit the Health Summit Website.

Grants for scientific stay in Flanders, Belgium

The Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) strives to continuously invest in internationalization in order to live up to the demands of the Flemish research community and maintain the strong economic and scientific position of Flanders. As a result, they have launched a new initiative for individual incoming mobility.

Comenius University Regional Academy – Discussing Women’s Rights in Childbirth.

The representatives of the Slovak Public Defender of Rights gave a lecture at the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University in Bratislava as part of the cooperation within the ENLIGHT Regional Academy. The presented research showcased violation of women's rights in the provision of health care during childbirth. Using the CU Regional Academy as a bridge between the real-life challenges and educational environment, the idea was to raise awareness among the students as to the importance of respect for bodily and mental integrity of women during labor. Sensitization of this topic in the field of education simultaneously addresses two flagship areas of ENLIGHT – Health and well-being and Equity. That same research will also be examined during the Summer School “Innovation Game” at Uppsala University in August.

The full research is available here.


ENLIGHT-RISE Workshop on Digital Research Infrastructures, 7 June 2022 - Report

On 7 June 2022, ENLIGHT RISE arranged a workshop on Digital Research Infrastructures with focus on the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Speakers from GÉANT as well as University of Gent, University of Göttingen and Uppsala University elaborated on engagement opportunities with the EOSC from perspectives such as life sciences, OpenAIRE, national research infrastructures and SSH. Sixty-four participants from across Europe followed the workshop online. Videos of the sessions are made available on the ENLIGHT YouTube channel. Please find the report on the workshop here.