ENLIGHT Sustainable Travel and Living Platform

ENLIGHT Sustainable Travel and Living Platform

As higher education institutions, the ENLIGHT partner act as regional, national, and global innovators preparing society for necessary transformation through appropriate governance, research, education and transfer activities, as well as sustainable operations and facilities.

One of the major goals of the European University ENLIGHT is the continuous reduction of CO2 emissions in all areas of the partner universities, which has been emphasised by the signing of the ENLIGHT Sustainability Engagement Agreement [.pdf] in 2021.

Since national and international mobilities at higher education institutions cause high amounts of carbon emissions, it is important to encourage employees and students to travel in a more sustainable way. Therefore, ENLIGHT is developing a Sustainable Travel Policy to foster sustainable travel between the ENLIGHT partner universities.

On the ENLIGHT sustainable travel and living platform, the partners provide instutional and network information with regard to sustainable mobility and living as well as CO2 calculation and offsetting opportunities.

Travel Decision Tree

CO2 Calculation

Sustainable Living Catalogues / Information


Student Network: Guide of Sustainable Best Practices

Shared Guide of Sustainable Best Practices [.pdf]

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