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Shifting frontiers: Migration Governance in Europe between deterrence and societal change

I am looking for collaborations with researchers from diverse disciplines—political science, sociology, law, social work, and beyond. Accordingly, the project will adopt a comprehensive approach to migration, addressing various related phenomena, such as asylum, authorized arrivals, labour migration, and family reunification. This broad focus allows for analyses that operate at multiple levels: the macro- and meso-levels of national and EU politics and laws, as well as the individual level, exploring how policies, laws and practices are perceived by migrants and host society members.

Tags: Migration

Formally, the intention of this research would be to gradually develop a thematic network on migration research within the ENLIGHT framework. As a starting point, it intends to organise a virtual or in-person kick-off meeting that would allow for possible specifications as to which common themes this research network could address.

In recent years, support for inclusive migration policies has been waning across Europe. This has led to the emergence of policies, laws and practices aimed at deterring unauthorized entry or fostering return of those who do not fulfil the criteria of lawful stay. Significant efforts have therefore be undertaken to limit the number of persons entering and staying in Europe.

This project seeks to investigate what led to this transformation in migration governance and how it affects migrants, but also host societies. What are the mechanisms employed in the context of a restrictive migration governance? How does it affect people on the move and how does a restrictive migration policy affect host societies? This research intends to link researchers from the different ENLIGHT universities to discuss and collaborate on these and related questions. 

    Practical Details

    Disciplinary field: Political sciences, international relations, law, sociology, cultural sciences
    Funding programme: ENLIGHT Thematic Network
    Institution: University of Groningen
    First and last name: Jonas Borneman
    Position: Assistant Professor of European Law

    Tags: Migration